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Category: Life

I think..

today's society is really messed up. I sit in my chair at school and these kids next to me look like brain dead zombies. Like leave that for Left 4 Dead or some shit but not here at school. Every minute of every day is spent staring at a phone while it plays brainless videos non-stop. Almost ALL of those videos are faked and not even real. If you see a photo of a beautiful skinny girl, you'll find out she is sucking in her stomach and has about $40,000 in plastic surgery. It's all fake. Beauty standards have risen to unrealistic standards. Girls like me who get up in the morning just to see ourselves in the mirror and feel like we don't look like the women on tiktok so we must not be good enough. People see these fake lives and fake people all over the internet and wonder why our faces and bodies don't look the same. My face will never look like the women on tiktok or instagram. The internet has allowed for people to be allowed to say horrible and mean things to others. Why? Because they know that nothing will ever happen to them. They know that they will never be punished for it. If this complaint is ever brought up to anyone people will just say, "Oh well, just turn off your phone..." But we all know it's never that easy to just turn off your phone. No one should ever feel ugly, worthless, disgusting, fat, annoying, trashy, meritless, valueless, horrible, nasty, unlovable, hideous, messy, disgusting, not enough, not worth it, sad...No one should ever feel anything like that because of something they saw on the internet. No one should have the power to make someone feel that way. No one should ever feel good about themselves and sleep well at night after telling someone to "kill themselves" on the internet 20 minutes earlier. No one should be able to lie about their appearance to make others feel self concious about their own bodies. There is no limit, and their will never be a limit. Ever. This will keep getting worse and worse until people can't control it anymore. 

rock 'n roll McDonalds

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