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I started reading homunculus (it's a manga) and it's terrifying but also amazing and so metaphorical omg
I'm very bad at explaining but here u go !!
essentially the plot is that there's this homeless guy called Nakoshi who lives out of his car between the park and the hotel (both sides representing the poor and the rich as there are more homeless people camping in the park)
Nakoshi really wants nothing to do with either of them
He's approached by a medical student who offers to DRILL A HOLE IN HIS SKULL? the medical student studies humans and according to him this whole procedure is meant to give Nakoshi a 6th sense and in return he will get 700,000 yen
in the end Nakoshi has no choice but to accept and once he has the hole in his skull he starts to see these things called homunculi which are distortions of the soul and subconscious, reflections of himself and whatnot, they're drawn really well too and look superr surreal
I wont spoil anymore but if you want to read it just know it's extremely traumatising LOL and can be quite graphic but it's also really good and I really like it
the writing is really deep here's a bit something Nakoshi san says !!:
A human being is just "Form." Anyone who preaches about "souls" or "inner beauty" is full of shit. Truth is our physical form is all we have. Eyes, ears, nose, skin, tongue-- they're the only way we can experience the world. Without them we'd be numb. Severed from society. Sure, maybe there's some kind of "soul" at the helm, but still--without our bodies "humanity" wouldn't exist. If you cannot speak, you cannot lie. If you have no body, you can do no harm. If those around you had no eyes you wouldn't crave their gaze. because we have bodies, we agonise over blemishes only a few millimetres wide. Loathe any part of ourselves that's a centimetre too big, too small, too anything. And the loss of one tooth throws us into a tailspin. Eyes just millimetres larger than average draw the gaze but extra millimetres in the nose turns us off. A woman centimetres slimmer than most is ogled while a man a few centimetres too short is completely ignored. It is because of our bodies that we suffer. It is because of my shape that I suffer.
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