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Pixie !!

Pixie !!'s profile picture

it’s a coping mechanism but it isn’t a good one in my opinion it’s just going to trap you in a toxic headspace if that makes any sense I’m not good with words

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Sash62's profile picture

I am proship, and do enjoy darkship , I find comfort in shipping toxic ships due to childhood trauma, but I also find it fun. It doesn't harm anybody in real life, since it is fictional which makes it a good coping mechanism, since I have a personality disorder and am prone to hurting people or myself and it does help in a way to relieve stress. I know many say that proshiping and darkshiping "normalizes incest and pedophilia" or "causes grooming" or even say that proshipers themselves are pedophiles, which is a weird thing to say since literally most proshipers on the internet are minors since older people don't indulge in ships and that sort of thing in that way. I myself am a minor too. I think people don`t realize that the internet isn`t a "safe space" created specifically for them and that there are going to be things on there that they don`t like. That's why scrolling and the block button exist, so you build your algorithm and don`t have to watch things you don`t like. Just because you don`t like a certain ship, topic or thing doesn`t mean you can harass others that do. That's all proshiping actually is, you are pro ship, you believe that people have the right to indulge in any type of fictional media in any way that they want, that they can have fun and forget about the world or everyday life problems. You don´t have to even like shipping at all to be proship. That was the whole purpose of the internet, to have fun and not harm anybody with it, that's why fandoms were alive back then, when you could have fun without harming anybody and just like the things you like in peace. That's why fandoms and the internet are dying because nowadays it just became some weird dopamine-sucking social media that gives people insecurities and forces guilt and shame onto people. It is no longer harmless fun it used to be like 10 years ago. Since the rise of the popularity of tik tok everything went to shit, not saying it was perfect before Tik Tok but that app really is the worst thing that happened to the internet. It is no longer "What`s online stays online" because TikTok influences people to take the online world to the real one. At the end of the day, it is really "What online stays online", it's just that some people are so braindead from TikTok and social media that they just can't comprehend that. Yes, the internet can affect the world, but we shouldn't let it. People are smart enough to know how to separate fiction from reality, and that's what we should do. We should not normalize censorship and harassment of people online, there's already plenty of hate in the world, so we can spread positivity at least in these little ways. You just have to, not harass others for not liking the same things you do, not spread hate, and in general just not be a massive dick.:D

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Oh okay dude

by CH3RRI3ZKINNIE; ; Report

I don˙t know if this response is supposed to be positive or negative :< And sorry if I sounded a bit harsh in my rant It wasn˙t my intention to be mean or anything

by Sash62; ; Report

Neutral response

by CH3RRI3ZKINNIE; ; Report


CH3RRI3ZKINNIE's profile picture


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Wait.. It is? Gosh i don't know what to think anymore....

by CH3RRI3ZKINNIE; ; Report


by CH3RRI3ZKINNIE; ; Report