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Category: Life

Melinna I’m begging you to read this.

Melinna I know what happened with your boyfriend Chris and him taking your phone and blocking me all because he thought we were something more than very close best friends. That coke addict isn’t worth the time of day Melinna if he is treating you like this and you said to me that you’d leave if it gets bad well… it just got bad so please leave that asshole named “Chris” he’s not worth the time or the effort. Please Melinna don’t give up one of your closest friends for that asshole I’m begging you and I swear if he does anything else I will run away or take a plane to Stockton and go into CCHS and blow his goddamn head off I don’t care at this point because he fucked with a man who has absolutely nothing to lose and that right there is the most fatal decision anyone can make so please Melinna I’m begging you to please unblock me on Google Chat and we can talk about this please don’t throw away your closest friend all for an asshole who views you as an object rather than a human being. I don’t know if he blocked me and then deleted your SpaceHey account but that wouldn’t make sense so please Melinna please I know that we live on opposite ends of the country but we know so much about each other and we are close friends and we seem so happy talking with each other so please go into google chat and unblock me so we can talk please. 

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