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Category: Blogging

break1ng: em0 talks 2 much >O<

ha111 !! 1 jo1ned th1s s1te 2 have s0mewhere 2 vent an b cr1nge, s0 expect vry rand0m p0sts >_< 1 am a teen in the midwest wif FAAAAAAAR 2 much freet1me >:3 

1 d0n remember y 1 wanted 2 make ths p0st o_O 0h well! cons1der 1t an 1ntr0 (evn th0 all u rlly need 2 kno abt me 1s 1n my blurbs)

1m angelk1n, + a g0lden retr1ever and b0bcat ther1an !! ANT1Z00 !! no dn1 0ther than adults, 1 bl0ck wh0 1 want.

1 pract1ce chr1st0-pagan1sm but m0stly jus call myself cath0l1c (pr0mmy 1m n0t the rude 0r awful k1nd n 1m n0t r0man cath0l1c)

1 am autistic + have adhd, please b pat1ent wif me  U^U 1 am als0 pr0ne 2 headaches :<

rel1g10ns r my spec1al 1nterest, al0ng wif psych0l0gy n 1nternet/fand0m h1st0ry owO y0u can check my general 1nterests 4 current hyperf1xat1ons :33

TEAM EDWARD (alth0 1f 1m h0nest... al1ce cullen...)

1 am vry queer and transgender \(^o^)/

1 pr0m1se 1m k00l, and 1 0nly b1te s0met1mes!

two gloomybear plushies next to two monsters

3 Kudos


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