My two best friends keep letting me down, what should I do?Β 

A little summary of my friendship with both of these girls: I’ve known a girl that Im going to call Friend 1. I met friend 1 In kindergarten. Our friendship didn’t really start until about four or three years ago. We have been close friends for a very long time and I love her to death. But last year we graduated from 6th grade and went onto middle school in 7th grade. We both went to a new school together but I was only going part time because I was going to an iop program. Friend 1 ended up befriending another girl which I will call friend 2. Friend 1 is a toxic people pleaser, to put it nicely. So she would basically talk bad about me to friend 2 and talk bad about friend 2 to me. Like playing both sides. Which made a wedge between me and friend 2. But I barely knew friend 2 and we eventually got to know each other and we all became a trio.Β 

Anyways, things have always been rocky in our trio friendship. But those stories are WAY too long to get into. But a reoccurring theme is that they seem more closer even though Ive been friends with Friend 1 first and had a stronger connection to her. But now it’s getting to overwhelming and I feel unwanted in this friendship. But I love these girls to death and Im afraid of losing them, but im also afraid of being in this endless cycle.Β 

What should I do?

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I guess I can compare this friendship to an addiction. You know the after effects are bad, but while you're taking it, it feels good and you just can't stop.

I don't think it's healthy to have friends like that, honestly. What you should do first is TALK to them about this problem. Actually touch the subject with both of them and maybe you can resolve the conflict with a civilized exchange of words.

If not, the best thing to do is just... let go. Sometimes it's just not worth it.

But first, try the believing in them part. From what I've read, you're young and so are your friends, and kids your age can be mean and nasty, trust me, I had friends like that. Be more assertive with them and maybe they can change.

This is just my advice. I'm not sure it's the best, but it can't hurt to try.

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Thank you for replying! I feel like whenever I talk to them I easily give in and end up forgiving them easily. I think Im going to just be friendly with them and take the label of β€œbest friends” off them.

by 𝓑π“ͺ𝓫𝔂𝓭𝓸𝓡𝓡; ; Report

I see. If that's what you want to do, then so be it. Sometimes it's either putting them in their place or allowing toxic people to step on you like a doormat.

And it's not just people your age who have this problem, adults often find themselves in this situation as well.

Just take care of yourself and find quality people to spend time with.

β™‘(q- Ο‰ -)

by Ina; ; Report