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Category: SpaceHey

Politic nerds leave me alone please

Even though I hate how most people's brains are literally rotting rn, I hate to admit I am one of those people. I am an idiot, I don't understand most topics especially ones about History, and Politics. Like, if you want to talk about favorite artist, writer, or singer, IM ALL EARS!! Give me spoilers about your favorite movie, I love spoilers!! I love knowing what will happen next and then get relaxed after seeing the thing I remember ACTUAlly happen okay?!? Talk about your every type of interest, just hyperfixate on something like a maniac and I will listen and try to show interest in your interests with maximum effort. BUT PLEASEEEEE DONT TALK ABOUT POLITICS AND HISTORY!!! ^-^

I can't explain how much I hate politics, I don't understand anything about politics, never bothered to understand it, learned anything about it and till to this day, it's the least thing I will be interested in learning. History is kinda bearable since one time I tried to be a History nerd but I forget everything so mission failed. ;-; you can talk to me about some cool stuff ur country has done in the past, in the present, talk to me about your culture, or culture of other countries you are interested in.

But don't ruin the whole mood by bringing up smth bad a country has done in idk 18 smth even though the country rn is changing to the better. It's killing the whole vibe, I remember talking to one ghetto who were yapping to be about how Germans should d13 cause WW2 and stuff, I DONT CARE???? if we go with this logic, Australians should die too cause that artist was that country. See how stupid it sounds ??? Germany iss uch a cool country, and others countries are cool too. And I don't want anyone ruin that fact with their silly little unnecessary politic knowledges that I have no fs to give. 

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T̶Y̶S̶O̶N̶  's profile picture

pure existence is political. to ignore this is to ignore your humanity.

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I would like to disagree

by M0niMonika; ; Report

how so? we are all controlled under government

by T̶Y̶S̶O̶N̶; ; Report

that might be true but we don't need to commit ourselves to political issues all of the time. if m0nika decides she doesn't want to hear about it, especially on a casual social platform like spachey, her wishes are to be respected
(& this is coming from somebody who used to be very political. I understand the necessity of caring about politics, because I very much do)

by kitkatanddog; ; Report

omg you're also australian. nevermind I forgive you

by kitkatanddog; ; Report

lmao this human interraction is sending me. The reason why I don't want to talk about politics is because even though it's the biggest part of our humanity rn is because it's tiring. When I talk about my favorite countries, it gets tiring when I am focusing on the beautiful nature, and the person i'm talking to is complaining about the goverment

by M0niMonika; ; Report

don't worry, I completely understand your reasoning. I'd much rather spend time in nature myself & I agree that people who don't stop talking about politics are annoying (I have one such person in my maths class & it's draining just to have to overhear it)

by kitkatanddog; ; Report

glad to see ppl thinking the same way as me lol

by M0niMonika; ; Report

not saying you gotta be an activist or anything, or talk about it even, but dont ignore politics, they affect you and oppress you.

by T̶Y̶S̶O̶N̶; ; Report

ah okay, I get it now

by M0niMonika; ; Report