Websites for free manga and anime!!

Tired of having to pay alot of money just to enjoy your favorite peice of media? Well boy I have some news for you!! These r some of my favorite websites I like to use to watch anime and read manga!!


Also warning these websites spam u with annoying ads

When I read manga I use the website

This has loads of manga and manwa you can read for free! Sometimes it has annoying ads that get in the way...but they do have popular manga like dragon ball z and One peice!! 

Another manga app I use is  

This is sorta like for Manwa n stuff I don't know much  about  the site I only used it to read some things! But there arent much ads but if you log out the site it will take you to another webpage! 

if you want to watch anime I suggest you use

It has a whole collection of Japanese media old and new! 

Thats kinda all I have that I know of and use! If you have anymore make sure comment down!! I hope this helps!! ^_^

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