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Hey SpaceSleepers (73): Contagion and Individualism

I found out just recently that Monkey Pox is making a comeback which is a big issue to me. With how Americans have handled something as simple as containing COVID entirely like petulant children, I can't say I am NOT worried. The core of how Americans handled the pandemic is based off of the "Individualist" mindset that they are raised on, that you are supposed to do everything by and for yourself, there is no sense of community and caring for each other that is present in places like Taiwan or Japan, which have contained COVID much better in the past few years, from what I have heard from family there. The issue is that this individualism has always been present on a much more minute scale in Americans, however, every decade it seems to explode more and more. Influenza, was the last century's pandemic and from documentation of how people handled it with even just their pets, it's clear that America has just gotten worse at caring for their fellow man.

Obviously, politics plays a part in this, I am not well versed in history but even I can pick up on something so obvious. The idea of individualism is much more obviously embedded into the minds of American conservatives, as seen in their desire to be seen as going against the grain and not wanting their "individual freedoms to be limited", but it shows up in a lot of other less right wing Americans as well. The fact that many people who are otherwise progressive seem so glad that they "don't have to wear masks anymore" and how often I witnessed them just remove them for long periods of time due to inconvenience does admittedly concern me. Yes, it is hot and masks can be difficult to breathe in, but there are ways to try to circumvent these issues instead of actively allowing this virus to have mutated so rapidly that there were so many variants popping up at once from the spread.

The issue with Monkey Pox's re-emergence is that the last time it emerged in 2021/2022, I recall there being a lot of fearmongering of it being "a disease only queers get", echoing the tactics of the AIDS crisis. The reason why the spread of m-pox went down as quickly as it had emerged in 2021/2022 is that queer people were quick to get vaccinated to the point where there was constant discussions in every queer space I was in about getting vaccinated for it that I had just not seen at all from the cishet normative spaces. In fact, I am planning on getting vaxx'd with my friend next Monday for Monkey Pox because we are both just so antsy as two trans people who know how this could go based off of previous years.

To uplift the mood of this entry, I leave you with a picture of the Hachiware lamp my friend got me when he was in Japan (08/19/2024).

— Mars  ᓚᘏᗢ

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