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Category: Writing and Poetry

Chiworld Lore 1: Chi and Zhi Magic Types

Chi Magic (pronounced "chai" like tea) is something most humans in Chiworld are born with. It's assigned at birth by one of the Gods/Goddesses. It's considered a gift from above, and while there are a few base types of Chi Magic, everyone's could be considered unique to them in some form. Conjurers have different favourite objects, magical bards have entirely different songs they sing, and even a fire magic user's flames could be a different colour.  

It's important to note that an individual's Chi Magic type does not solely define their path in life - for example despite being a fire magic user, Princess Cherry adores her garden and playing outdoors over cooking or campfires. Certain behaviors are common within certain communities, but this does not dictate that a character must fall into every or even any of these common tastes. An example of this would be Riu, a fire magic user who tends to be more cold and intimidating rather than charismatic.

Chi Magic is used both in domestic life as well as combat. While users of certain types of magic may prefer certain environments or even make up their own communities, a variety each type of magic is usually the key to a functioning society. In duels, Chi Magic users are usually fair and honorable regardless of their alignment, and it's very uncommon for Chi Magic to be used to kill another human. (Though not impossible) 

Known types of Chi Magic and their uses:

Fire Magic 

A very common variety of Chi magic that allows it's user to create fire. In combat, it can be used to create fireballs and flame towers. Outside of combat, it's used for everyday convenience such as cooking, creating campfires, and running appliances. Fire magic users can be found almost everywhere in Chiworld, and take pride in making their homes as cozy as possible. They usually tend to be quite charismatic and charming, surrounded by friends.

Notable fire magic users: Princess Cherry, Riu, Blaze, Flare

Earth Magic 

A very common variety of Chi magic that allows it's users to control either plants, rocks, or land. In combat, wielders of earth magic can use vines and roots to whip and ensnare foes, or send out boulders, small earthquakes, and ground spikes. Outside of combat, this magic is often used to create crops for food, and healthier ecosystems by replenishing natural resources. Earth magic users may find more comfort living on farms or inside forests due to the biodiversity of such areas being in tune with their powers. They tend to feel like one with nature, and find entertainment in every aspect of it. Some earth magic users are extreme survivalists, where others won't even defend themselves if attacked by a creature in nature as they see whatever happens as destiny. 

Notable earth magic users: Sunnie Soulblossom, Takeshi Kiraito

Water Magic 

A very common variety of Chi magic that allows it's users to control water, as well as breathe underwater. This variety of Chi magic is a lot more common in merfolk, though it's possible for those not from the sea to inherit it as well. In combat, gigantic waves and bubbles can be controlled, but outside of combat it's typically used to provide a clean and pure supply of water. Water magic users, whether merfolk or not, are happiest when living at a beach or close to large bodies of water such as ponds. Water magic users, particularly merfolk, can be hesitant to trust outsiders to their community, but will be hospitable and welcoming if they know you can be trusted. 

Notable water magic users: Terry, Princess Seafoam

Ice Magic 

A somewhat common variety of Chi magic that allows it's users to control ice, as well as endure freezing conditions. In combat, they may control icicle spikes or gigantic snowballs, as well as harsh winds. Outside of battle, ice magic users typically use their abilities for construction, though it can also be used in first aid scenarios that would require an ice pack. They are typically happiest in the freezing tundra of the Furufuru Plains, and quite a few have been observed to have pragmatic personalities, putting safety and security first. 

Notable ice magic users: Princess Aurora

Shock Magic 

a somewhat common common variety of Chi magic that allows it's user to have control over electricity. In combat it's incredibly powerful, allowing it's user to zip around and create powerful thunderbolts. Outside of combat, this magic is a viable energy source and is often used in recreational contexts in a sport of target practice which is similar to archery. Shock magic users tend to be hyperactive due to having a near-unlimited amount of energy at their disposal, however this can also lead to cockiness and of course, the sting of failure. Shock magic users usually love highly populated areas. 

Air Magic 

A somewhat common variety of Chi magic that allows it's users to control the wind. Air magic users love to fling themselves to high altitudes, and often use their magic as a form of transportation first, though it's also powerful in combat as powerful gusts of wind and tornados can be weaponized. It's notoriously difficult to trap air magic users. They have great leadership skills and will commit to what they believe in, though are also susceptible to anxiety from the big responsibilities they take on.

Notable wind magic users: Silvia, Princess Fantina

Music Magic 

a somewhat common variety of Chi magic that is only able to be used by learning and playing certain songs, either with an enchanted instrument or a music magic user's voice. Each song has a different effect: from healing all who hear it, to summoning rain for the wellness of crops. The users of this type of magic prefer to be called "magical bards", and will often stick together in small, tight-knit communities where music is everything. Discovering one's preferred instrument can be a point of anxiety for young magical bards who haven't made it in the world yet. 

Notable music magic users: Melody Skysong, Note Skysong

Conjuring Magic 

A not so common variety of Chi magic that allows the user complete control over a particular object, which results in infinite creation and control. Conjurers can even breathe life into inanimate objects, which will in turn remain loyal to whoever brought it to life. Conjurers are known to take particular likings to objects their powers have control over, learning every little detail about them and becoming super knowledgeable about even the most fringe information related to their favourite object. It's not uncommon for them to consider these objects their "first friends" and consider their spiritual connection to said items very precious. They're often found living alone in fringe areas.

Notable conjurers: Aria (sewing materials and plushies), Princess Grape (balls of all variety)

Pure Chi Magic 

an INCREDIBLY rare form of Chi magic that manifests itself as warm, pink beams of light that sometimes look vaguely heart-shaped. It does not have much practical use outside of combat, but is very powerful. Users of pure Chi magic often experience transformations if they get overloaded with energy, which results in a powerful yet unstable form. Pure Chi magic is observed in the Kiraito family's women, though if they have more than one child, it's very unlikely for more than one to be born with pure Chi magic. 

Notable Pure Chi magic users: Princess Tekki Kiraito, Queen Misaki Kiraito

Tech Magic

an INCREDIBLY rare form of Chi Magic that manifests itself in the form of incredible skill with technology. Tech magic users can create powerful robots, computers, and all forms of technology with even metal scraps. This has only been documented in 2 individuals thus far. As most citizens of Chiworld rely on magic rather than technology, tech magic users tend to have difficulty relating to their peers. It's also common for tech magic users to use their abilities to modify their own bodies with robotic additions. If a tech magic user finds another, they will instantly be bonded through shared experiences, however ideological differences (particularly in relation to ethics) often drive a wedge between these relationships.

Notable tech magic users: Dr. Technara, Dr. Aoi

Space Magic

an EXTREMELY rare form of Chi magic that allows it's users to rip holes through space and time. It's only been documented ONCE, and little is known about how it works due to the unstable nature of it. Space magic users tend to be extremely cautious and introverted, only using their powers when an emergency calls for it. Space magic users love to absorb as much knowledge as they can by reading, as it makes them feel safe and in control.

Notable space magic users: Nova Kiraito

Steel Magic

A rare form of Chi magic that allows it's users an above average control over weapons. Due to it's relation to inanimate objects, scholars believe this to be a spinoff of conjuring magic. Like conjurers, steel magic users usually form attachments to a particular weapon, guarding it with their life. They tend to be single minded, often resorting to violence as a solution and believing themselves to be some form of "hero" nobody asked for (due to their belief of their weapons being legendary items) which puts them at odds with local populations often. Not all steel magic users lead such lives however, and some have found success using their weapons for domestic tasks such as cooking, fieldwork, and even entertainment. Ironically enough, those who live such humble lives tend to feel more fulfilled. They are usually spotted roaming around Chiworld, only settling in if they've been welcomed into a community.  

Notable steel magic users: Legend Knight (LK)

Zhi Magic

Zhi magic is an artificially-created, dark and twisted counterpart to Chi Magic. It was invented in a laboratory by Dr. Aoi, by corrupting pure chi magic harvested from nature with concentrated feelings of wrath and hatred. Zhi Magic must stay contained when it is not in use, as it can increase in volume very quickly. Because of this property, it's become the main ingredient in Dr. Aoi's genetic experiments, helping him to create an army of sorts out of splicing DNA from living beings and even self-made robots. He even created Dark Tekki from a combination of pure Zhi energy and an ill-gotten lock of the princess' hair. 

So far, Dark Tekki is the only being who's been able to use Zhi magic as an actual power, many of her moves resembling Princess Tekki's but utilizing Zhi magic instead of pure Chi magic. None of the other genetic experiments have been observed to have powers of their own. 

Unrelated abilities

Some characters have different powers that aren't related to Chi Magic due to being otherworldly in nature. An example of this would be Chi's poison abilities, which she was born with due to being an alien from the distant planet of Toxidia. Others have crafting or technology skills that are learned and unrelated to conjuring and tech magic, though tend to be noticeably less powerful. It's important to note that not every instance of a character having a particular skill or ability is necessarily a Chi magic related ability. 

A note from the author:

Hey all, thanks so much for reading this. Chiworld is a world I've always had in my heart, and have been developing from childhood. It's where all my OCs live. (aside from fan characters, though they may make appearances solely as cameos ;P) I've always wanted somewhere to share it, and SpaceHey seems like it might just be the right place. I've noticed there's such a support and enthusiasm for independent artists, from musicians to digital artists to photographers, or really anything else. People are here because they seek stuff out. 

I know this first entry is kind of technical and all, but Chiworld is something I've been developing for years and I felt like the basic knowledge about magic types was a good thing to share first of all. The magic is one of my favourite aspects of this world, other than the characters themselves and the stories they weave. 

If you've read this far, feel free to share which are your favourite Chi magic types, and which kind you'd want to have in the comments below! :) Thanks for reading, and I'll see you next time. 

8 Kudos


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coolranch gaming

coolranch gaming's profile picture

Awesome! I think I like steel and conjuring magic best. I'm not too surprised with the notable user of the former though. I feel that steel art would have a lot of potential.

Also do the types of chi have different strengths and weaknesses against other types?

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That's a great question! Well, the weaknesses exist in the same way these materials would interact in nature. Fire burns grass, ice kills crops, wind and water extinguish flames, etc. however, element isn't the only important aspect of Chi Magic, but how it's used is also just as important!

I kind of think of it as similar rules to how moves are portrayed in the pokemon anime for example. In the games, type advantage tends to be the end of the story, but in the anime we see technique considered as well.

by Tekki; ; Report


☆Sol☆'s profile picture

oh this is so cool! i'm for sure looking forward to hearing more ^-^
music magic all the way :D

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That's a great choice! 🎶 do you have a particular instrument you'd play as a magical bard?

by Tekki; ; Report

That's a great choice! 🎶 do you have a particular instrument you'd play as a magical bard?

by Tekki; ; Report

if i had to choose from the ones i play irl, it would probably be the banjo or guitar! a fantasy version of me would probably play the violin though :)

by ☆Sol☆; ; Report

Those are some great choices! My main magical bard, Melody, uses her voice as her instrument. Though it took her a while to find it! I'll share more about her soon, in an OC Spotlight.

by Tekki; ; Report

Oooo, I didn't even consider singing! That's so cool, I look forward to seeing it!

by ☆Sol☆; ; Report


Curtis's profile picture

Did you grow up with My Little Pony? I think I see MLP influence, especially in the character names, along with influence from various modern anime I haven't seen. It looks like a cool universe with a western fantasy meets Japanese fantasy vibe. Would love to see it or play it!

I want Tech Magic!

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I did actually grow up with MLP, particularly I was big into Friendship is Magic when I was a teen! Now that you mention it, I'd say Chiworld and Equestria are similar in the sense that they're fantasy worlds where Magic lives inside everyone.

And I'm glad you like tech magic, it's certainly a lot more viable here in our dimension. :) if I had tech magic at my disposal, there would be no more lost and broken video games.

by Tekki; ; Report