my cats (=^ェ^=)

i wanted to share my babies bc i love them hehe they're milo, silvestre, and tomas!! milo and silvestre are female cats (and sisters!) while tomas is a male cat. they tend to have a nice cohabitation but sometimes tomas can be sassy and mean to my other pets t__t ignoring that hes a good boi, milo and silvestre are good girls too and pretty chatty! 

milo: IMG-20240818-WA0018 silvestre: IMG-20240818-WA0017 tomas: IMG-20240818-WA0016

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nyannyannyan's profile picture


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Raymond's profile picture

Aw there so cute! Tomas looks like he’s plotting Lmaoo

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he probably was!! most of the time the engines of his brain are working to develop a new tactic to bother my other pets

by coco (」゚ロ゚)」; ; Report