Humans are weird.

Do I need to explain?

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(DON'T CLICK IF EPILEPTIC...'s profile picture

The entirely human ones with the multicolored hair or the one's with the name that sounds like they took a native american stereotype, seperate the neck from the stereotype and the human, and sew the stereotype's neck in replacement for theirs who say that all the quote unquote "leftists" are psychopathic while them, the quote unquote "right-wingers" are far superior while they also advocate for the ends of the other millions of humans (aka redneck conservatives) on the black-and-while railroad sign site are far worse than us halfies! I mean, look at me, time traveler! I'm part rabbit, dog, and human, a very young one at that! Only at 13 yet I have more sense to not get offended for other people unless I'm actually offended because it has to do with me! I'd rather go to 2078 and puke out stomach acids all over zombies so my illness actually has a purpose instead of than sit here with these equally crazy people listening to them always fight!

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