Gore is honestly something super sick and just plain gross. Like, I don’t get how some people say it's a form of expression or art... seriously? ಠ_ಠ To me, it’s just a bunch of messed-up stuff that only appeals to people who are either too old to care or to teenagers trying to act all edgy. What’s so cool about watching someone get tortured or die in the most brutal way possible? It’s not deep, it’s not creative it’s just nasty.
Honestly, I bet a lot of people who claim they’re into gore don’t even really like it. They’re just trying to fit in with their friends, like, “Oh yeah, I’m so tough, I can watch this without flinching,” but on the inside, they’re probably freaked out. :-P They’re just forcing themselves to watch this sick stuff to be part of some weird group. And the worst part? This kind of content is all over the internet! (¬_¬) Like, how is this even allowed? The internet, or “cybernet” as some old people call it (lol), is supposed to be a place where you can have fun, learn new things, and connect with others. But instead, it’s filled with this dark, creepy stuff that no one really needs to see.
É como se todos nós tivéssemos nos tornado tão insensíveis a tudo que até as imagens mais repugnantes e violentas não nos chocam mais. Isso é bem assustador quando você pensa sobre isso, certo? (●'◡'●) Deveríamos estar nos concentrando em coisas que trazem positividade e criatividade para nossas vidas, não esse conteúdo distorcido e prejudicial. É hora de parar de fingir que gore é legal ou interessante e começar a chamá-lo pelo que realmente é, uma obsessão perturbadora e doentia que deve ficar nas sombras, longe de onde as pessoas normais ficam.
It’s like we’ve all become so numb to everything that even the most disgusting, violent images don’t shock us anymore. That’s pretty scary when you think about it, right? (●'◡'●) We should be focusing on stuff that brings positivity and creativity into our lives, not this twisted, harmful content. It’s time to stop pretending that gore is cool or interesting and start calling it what it really is a disturbing and unhealthy obsession that should stay in the shadows, far away from where normal people hang out.
ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) >
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Para mim eu sempre evito assistir esse tipo de coisa. Eu tinha um amigo que me falava que sempre via esse tipo de coisa, como se fosse um costume. Na minha opinião eu acho que apesar de algumas pessoas assistirem gore para se pagar de "edgy", tem outras que começaram a assistir por curiosidade e acabaram se acostumando e fazendo isso um tipo de hobby.
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YES =/
by K4myXD; ; Report