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Category: Life

Please don’t be like this guy (RANT!! TW: SA and Religion)

So I was messaging this guy on SpaceHey, and he told me I was beautiful. I messaged him back complimenting him too and asking him how he was, Yada yada… and then he asks me about my religion, so I say I’m not sure, and he tells me about satanism and like sinning and stuff. Then he gave me a bunch of scenarios about boys in closets and locking people up, which made me really uncomfortable and awkward, but I played along. He said he liked getting girls to sin for him, and gave me a bunch of scenarios, that I never really answered. I thought what he was implying he wanted me to do was absolutely disgusting. But me being the idiot I am, I didn’t say that. We went awhile without messaging and then today we started messaging again, and he kept asking me the same kinds of questions, and gave me his email where we continue to message, and he keeps pestering me, telling me how he’s addicted to sinning and how I’ll get addicted too, and he asked me the same kind of scenarios and I just got fed up and blocked him on my phone and spacehey. PLEASE DONT BE LIKE THIS GUY, OR IF YOU FIND HIM ON THIS SITE DO NOT ENGAGE.  

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HappyTinyCat's profile picture

I'm so srry that happened 2 u :(( I had an unfortunate encounter with a creep on here as well, ig it's a bit common 4 ppl like that 2 show up on here. Plz stay safe every1!! <3

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⛧Redson Reed⛧

⛧Redson Reed⛧'s profile picture

That guy is anything but a satanist he's just straight up a horrible monster cuz even satanism doesn't tolerate SA
I really hope you're okay and he stopped talking to you

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Exactly! He’s blocked on spacehey and my phone. This guy rlly needs to chill

by Ronnie_RadQue3f; ; Report

rape is like one of satan's favorite things like what are you even talking about bro

by StickmanClassic1996; ; Report

please do some research about actual satanism and not what movies and monotheists say about it... they're completely different. Actual satanism is just being free and your authentic self as long as you don't harm anyone else

by ⛧Redson Reed⛧; ; Report

tfw you think the Church of Satan and the Temple of Satan and a bunch of other gay American organizations that are less than a hundred years old are the only real form of "Satanism", but somehow all of the pro-rape Satanic sects that have been around since the first millennium aren't real "Satanism". I bet bro can't even tell me what Gnosticism is (I feel a "I'm not here to educate you" incoming)

by StickmanClassic1996; ; Report

i mean it's kinda like saying the triple k is the true face of Christianity

by ⛧Redson Reed⛧; ; Report


by StickmanClassic1996; ; Report

my point is just because a part of a community sucks doesn't mean we all support it. Besides, if you do some actual research instead of relying what monotheists tell you, there's an actual definition of satanism called Laveyan satanism created by anton lavey in 1966 which is based on rebellion against absurd monotheist rules and think for themself and believing in themself instead of obeying a superior being, and seeing baphomet as a symbol instead of an actual being. Since making research seems difficult for you here's something useful to read:

by ⛧Redson Reed⛧; ; Report

I almost couldn't wait for the inevitable condescending "uh actually LaVeyan Satanism is the only real Satanism and it's all about like believing in yourself and not raping", except I pegged you as more of a TST guy. I'm going to give you a tip: most people you fight over Satanism with on the internet will already know about the COS.

I thought I just obviously affirmed that I agreed with your argument, but from your response I guess I took you to mean something more logically coherent than what you actually meant, so here's what I meant:

Christianity has existed for thousands of years, and the KKK is a relatively recent organization (the 1860s) that has many professed Christians as members. Similarly, Satanism has existed for thousands of years, and the Laveyan Church of Satan is a very recent (the 1960s) organization that refers to itself as "Satanism." Therefor, the KKK and the COS are the same, in the sense that some (like you) profess them to be the only true expression of their traditions. Have I somehow misused the syllogism?

Why should I consider the COS, this one very recent American organization that's younger than a lot of people I know, to be the arbiter of what Satanism is, against thousands of years of evidence to the contrary? What are you even arguing? You honestly think Satanism didn't exist before 1966?

btw I never said you supported rape my mane. And I'm glad to see that you have some balls and aren't just attacking Christians, but Jews and Muslims too. At least you're consistent. I'm not really sure why you're railing about "monotheists", though, since the COS is a self-proclaimed atheistic organization. They don't believe in polytheism either. I'm not sure they're even open to pantheism. Why are you so hung up on the monotheist thing, then?

by StickmanClassic1996; ; Report

because monotheists have been the only ones projecting this belief onto me that satanism = rape and sacrifice until now. (which is ironic knowing who i witnessed supporting victims the most between polytheists and monotheists when the victim in question is a non believer)

And still, does an organization encouraging immoral behavior mean that all philosophies with similar names but different concepts support it?

by ⛧Redson Reed⛧; ; Report

Can we not like fight abt religion? I know I can tell you guys what to do, but that wasn’t the purpose of the original post, I was spreading awareness about a bad experience I had. I see both of your points. Thanks sorry!!!

by Ronnie_RadQue3f; ; Report

I meant to say can’t tell you what to do

by Ronnie_RadQue3f; ; Report

You asked nicely which I respect so yes. Honestly at this point I just want to hear more about the adventures of the Spacehey closet Satanist. In fact if you could send me a link to his profile or his email address I would be most appreciative

by StickmanClassic1996; ; Report

I will in dms just don’t ask him abt me lol

by Ronnie_RadQue3f; ; Report

don't worry, you won't even exist

by StickmanClassic1996; ; Report

f3ral_gh0st x__X

f3ral_gh0st x__X's profile picture

VOM that fucking sucks man sorry :[

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It’s okay, I’m just a little shaken up after it all.

by Ronnie_RadQue3f; ; Report


ر's profile picture

oof i hope youre okay

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I’ll be okay, I’m just kinda shaken up. I’ll be alright tho.

by Ronnie_RadQue3f; ; Report