twitter is funny

hello all it is saturday, aug. 17 7:05 PM 

 tmrw is my last day in the philippines…woah! times goes fast when you’re on the white sandy beaches drinking patrón hojohohohoho…anyways is truth a sin? let’s define sin as “moral evil”. under this umbrella term, we can assume that ruining someone’s reputation with malice intent is a sin. an easy way to do this would be to lie about what they’ve done or said but another way to do this would be by telling a not-so relevant, but harsh truth about that person. you know , since god is all about truth and justice, would truth malice intent still be considered not a sin? 

here’s a scenario with different circumstances:

 1. you made a promise to your friend that you’d eat out with them on x date. on said date you lie to him and say that something unexpected came up. obviously a sin, because you’re a lazy fuck that can’t keep his promise and since you’ve made an obligation and your character doesn’t align with it you decide to lie for personal gain. (saving face)

 2. you made a promise to your friend that you’d eat out with them on x date. im this scenario you’re a lazy fuck but tell him that a relative died (this is true) and that you feel too drained to go out. in reality their death hardly even matters to you and you could still very well have met up with him, but you used the death as a way out while even drawing out some sympathy. in one scenario you lied, and in another you tell a truth. both involve deception though… 

so would truth be the sin? or would it be the intention behind the use of it? this could also be applied with lying or more specifically “white lies”. the intention behind white lies are usually pure and light hearted, but it’s still deceptive. obviously this just scratches the surface if we considered the weight of the intention and its impact of the matter but im just blabbering gahahuhah. anyways its funny when i scroll twitter (x) and people are just so black and white on topics such as politics, relations, scandals, etc… the virtue signaling is soo bad too… i almost find myself getting baited by them at times…

did you know you can buy single cigarettes at the small little stores over here for 10₽ ?? crazy … [7:31PM]

this song is awesome

now im weaving hundred words - a picture of her

2 Kudos


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