Snowflake's tale (TW: animal death and some gore)

Snowflake was born in the hatred tribe, a tribe that everyone that lives there hates each other, she was different, she looked nothing like her siblings nor her parents, and she was the last and the weakest born, she had blue eyes, but white on the back. “You’re weak, you can't even stand up, how are you going to live your life like - ” “Hey, don’t talk to your sister like that, at least she’s trying,” “Now remember kids, tomorrow will be the day you will be part of the tribe, so you guys get some rest,” “Ok dad, we will.” They went to sleep, another day that she was upset. The next day, they were excited to be a key part in the tribe, instead of just being born and living there. “Me and Snowflake are going to get a drink, before going,” “Ok, but don’t take too long.” They walked to the river nearby, will drinking, Buster walked to them, and scratched Snowflakes left eye, making her not see in that eye, “Buster! Why did you do that to my daughter,” “Because, I’m spreading hate, and hate is all we have in this tribe,” “I’m leaving, and do not do that to her again.” Her mother left the river and stopped the bleeding by the time they were in front of the rock that the leader and the side – leader stands, the leader jumps down and sniffs the kids, before saying that they were clear, but she wants to see Snowflake again, “Why do you want to see her again?” “She is clear, but I want to make sure that she is your child, so I won't make her feel like she is adopted.” They walk back to their cave, and Snowflake was the first to fall asleep. Snowflake woke up, but it was not the place she remembers, there were two paths, one light white side, and another a dark red, since she sees the opposite colors, she chooses the dark red side, and thought that it was the light white side. She woke up and she could walk, her siblings weren’t making fun of her that much as they used to. Snowflake was play fighting with one of her brothers, and “accidently” killed him, “How dare you kill your own brother - ” “Mom it was an accident, I swear.” “Get out, you leave and never come back here again!” 

It was the middle of the night, everyone in her cave was asleep, so she can now take her brother’s dead body and drag it out of her cave where she used to sleep; some were awake, and she cried out to them, “What happened to him, I'm sorry for your lost.” There was chatting among the group of cats gathered in front of Snowflakes dead brother, “Snowflake, why not get some water while we figure out what happened to him.”  Snowflake went to the same river she used to go to, she saw another cat drinking, she went to the cat while drinking, she dunked the cat's head, and held it there until the cat drowned. She remembered what she saw in that crowd, her father with another girl, but didn’t mind that fact since she was doing something else. After killing more cats and running away right after, she saw Buster sleeping under a tree, there were still blood on her paws, so she smeared blood on his face, paws, and the surrounding area that he was in. The next day the side – leader told Buster to meet the leader at the rock, when he got there, he saw one row of angry cats on opposite sides, he looked up, the leader on the rock, she spoke, “Buster, with the evidence we have, you murdered others, and there for you are kicked from this tribe, and you can’t come back.” “What! I haven’t killed anyone, and you know that I believe not to, unless I hated the cat.” The leader jumped down, “If you don’t leave, then you die.” He then walked away, but before walking away, he looked to his right and saw his girlfriend with Snowflakes father, he walked until he wasn’t visible. 

It's been a year, and she killed all the cats in her tribe, but some left and some ended themselves. She walked to the rain – jungle tribe, where her father was, and saw Golden with him, she was angry at him because, he was making her family break, she then jumped on a tree, and leaped on her father, quickly killing him, while Golden got scared, and ran deeper in the rain – jungle tribe. She let Golden go since she wasn’t a threat to her, she walked to her tribe, looking at the dead bodies in the distance, then her mother walked up to her, “What have you become, you murdered everyone.” “I did it for a reason, and that reason is that everyone hates each other, and I don’t want that. How come I look nothing like my siblings?” She then looked at her mother, and walked up to her, “Answer me!” Her mother hesitated, not sure if she wanted to answer, Snowflake then leaped on her mother, pinning her down, her claws on her mother's stomach, “Fine, I'll answer. Long before you were born, I was with someone else, I trusted him, we tried something, but it failed, months later he told me that he was using me, and he was a murderer, he tried to kill me, my sister killed him, but she died with him, and that striped mark on your left paw, he looked like that.” After hearing the truth, she hesitated, then clawed her stomach, killing her, her guts showing, then one of her sisters saw what happened and ran up to her and tried to attack her, but missed, it was easy for Snowflake to kill her, she then walked away from the two bodies. 


She was being attacked by some cats from the drain tribe, and then some cat knocked the two cats down, and they got scared and left, then this cat spoke, “Don’t you dare get near me, I know you’ll attack me.” “I don’t know who you are.” Then this cat calmed, then sat down, “I’m Yanky, and I’m hatted by all cats in these tribes, and this is the first time someone talked to me without hurting me in some way.” “I’m Snowflake, and maybe we can join each other, because we have the same situation in some way,” “Fine, I guess. We can go in the middle of the hatred tribe and the rain – jungle tribe, and make our own tribe, maybe.” They walked until they saw two rocks, one large rock where the leader sits when the leader has to bring news, and one slightly smaller rock where the side – leader stands and brings cats to the leader. “Yanky, maybe we can recruit some cats from the rain – jungle and drain tribe.” They then went on the edge of the rain – jungle tribe, and saw a cat looking at the trees, when the cat heard something walking up to him, he turned and saw two cats, “I’m Snowflake and this is Yanky, and we are wondering if you want to join us?” “Uh, yeah, sure, by the way, I'm Storm, and I’ll love to be in a tribe again.” They walked back to the place they were before, it was night, and Snowflake heard a noise in the drain tribe, she walked to the tribe and saw a cat sneaking in the healers' cave, Snowflake walked up to the cat, "Who are you, you don't look like a drain tribe cat?" The cat jumped, didn't know someone else was there, "Hey! Who are you, I'm just healing myself, I'm not from here, I'm a house cat, and I can't remember my name." “Ok I won’t tell anyone, maybe you can be our healer in our own tribe?” “I do know how to heal – ok I’ll join.” They walked back, and Snowflake explained the two rocks that was there, then a cat walked up to her and asked her to join. 

Snowflake was sleeping, she heard a stick snap, and she woke up to see a cat wondering around the area, “Sorry that I woke you, I was wondering if I could join, since I ran away from my tribe.” “Sure, but try not to wake anyone.” The next day she woke up to Yanky announcing something, “We will soon be declaring war on the rain – jungle tribe, so you guys better get ready.” Snowflake jumped on the rock, “Yanky, what in the hell, we can’t do that there’s no point - ” “Have you ever heard of the word soon, plus you don’t know what happened between me and that tribe.” he then ran in the opposite direction, Snowflake jumped off the rock and walked away from it, went under a tree and laid there, “I know how upset you are, but I don’t know nor ever heard of Yanky, but if he wants to do it let him,” “But what if we lose, and someone dies, that’s why I don’t want any war.” “We can just stand back when there is too much of them,” “Ok, but I’m not sure if we can do war at all since, we just started,” “Just get your hopes strait, we will be ready when it starts, we just have to get ourselves ready, and train so we don’t feel weak,” “Yeah you’re right, I don’t care what Yanky does, we can get ready tomorrow, but I still don’t know what he’s trying to do with the Rain – jungle tribe, thank you for making my mood change, I will share the news.” Snowflake walked to the rock and jumped on it and said that they are going to train themselves tomorrow. 

“It’s time!” Everyone woke up, “Yanky are you sure you want to do this, what if you get yourself killed,” “I’m sure, plus I won’t let myself die, and we already trained,” they walk to the rain – jungle tribe, “Hey, you wet freaks, come and fight us!” After a few minutes, a group of rain – jungle tribe cats walked up to them, “Oh great you, I told you to never come back -” Yanky jumped on her, and everyone joined in the fight, Snowflake didn’t know what to do, she tried to find an easy target, she saw a lion just standing there, she was running up to it when the lion saw Snowflake and slashed her throat, passing her out. “Thank God you’re awake, I thought you died, you been passed out for hours,” “I can’t believe you healed someone with that deep of a wound, even caused by a lion.” Snowflake stood up, coughed up some blood, “I’m lucky that I didn’t die, and what is this around my neck?” “It’ll make your neck heal, and so it won’t cause anymore bleeding,” “Where’s Yanky,” “He’s coming back, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t care about you getting hurt though.” Yanky was back and went to the rock, “Those rain – jungle tribe cats were weak, they were easily defeated, although someone almost died by being stupid, and I manage to kill the rain - jungle leader, you guys should get some rest, since you fought, and it’s night.” 

Snowflake was walking around, she saw Buster, and ran up to him and knocked him down, “Hey! Who did that,” “Hi Buster, remember me,” “Snowflake, you’re the one that framed me, didn’t you,” “Maybe, why did you ask,” “Oh great, you ruined my reputation in the tribe, and you made me kicked out. You know what, I’m going to kill you!” Buster got up and tried to attack Snowflake but missed, making him killable, Snowflake bits Buster’s neck, killing him, then walked away. There was still blood on her paws, “Who did you kill?” “Buster, why?” “Just wondering.” Yanky then walked off to talk to Storm. The next day, Snowflake was taking a walk near the hatred tribe, she then found three children just lying on the ground, one was half white – half grey, one was blueish grey, and the last one was half black – half white. Snowflake then picked the three up and headed back, Yanky was sitting on the ground, “Great, what did you bring back this time,” “I found these three just lying on the ground by the hatred tribe.” Snowflake placed the three children down, she then looked to her left, noticing a fire starting, “Snowflake, wherever these three came from, they’re mistakes,” “What do you mean?” Yanky didn’t say anything and just picked up two of the three children, he then throws the two in the starting fire, leaving only the half black – half white child, “You’ve been acting rather nice lately, why is that?” “I just wanted to change and - “ “We created this group because of murder, everyone in this group kills and you just want to change yourself!? You know what, you’re no longer in this group, you’re kicked!” “I... - fine, I’ll go.” Snowflake picked up the only child that was there now and walked off. 


The hatred tribe looked like they gained some of their members back, Snowflake walked over to Cream, she was surprised to not see her dead, “I didn’t know you would come here, Snowflake,” “I know... it’s a long story, how aren’t you dead?” “I made myself look dead, who are you holding?” Snowflake didn’t say anything, thinking, “This is Yen, I found him and two more, but Yanky through those two in a fire.” “Oh... anyway, you can probably tell that we gained back our numbers sometime after you killed a lot of us,” “Right, I forgot - ” Snowflake placed Yen down, “I’m sorry for that,” “No need, I understand, sometimes we just pick the wrong side, and you’ll regret later.” “Thanks... can you take care of Yen while I’m gone?” “Sure.” Snowflake then walked off, away from the hatred tribe. She saw a stump of a tree and sat down; she looked down and looked sad, in thought. Snowflake just sat there for a couple of minutes, until fire surrounded her, she looked up; scared, a skeleton cat then walked up to Snowflake, “Who are you?” “I’m one that died in the past, you broke a rule!” “What rule?” “A rule where you’re a killer, you can’t change and go to the good side, since you broke that rule, you will have to die.” The skeleton cat then started to attack Snowflake, she tried to fight back but couldn’t, after the skeleton cat was done attacking, they walked off, leaving Snowflake in blood, the fire was gone. Snowflake was dead. 

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