There was a pin on Pinterest that said "Info dump about anything here!!!" and I info dumped about Saw, but it was too long

Saw 2004 was made by Leigh Whannell and James Wan, the two met in film school and became really good friends. One day, James thought of an idea of 2 guys waking upin a bathroom, chained to the wall with a dead ody on the floor, and discovering why they were put there. Leigh wrote the script for the movie in 9 months. The character Zepp was inspired by a guy that snuck into homes tickling peoples feet, but when he was caught he told the police he was being black mailed. When the movie came out, the studio and producers got a starnge letter (with I'm assuming no return address.) that contained really bad handwrighting that said, "Good job with the movie I liked watching myself on the screen I have dark hair though." and a Jigsaw piece drawn in sharpie. There was also no punctuation. It was just something really mysterious that they never found out who sent the letter. Oh and the actor that played Lawrence, Cary Ewles, had sued the producers and others because he thought he didn't get enough money for being in the movie, and when he won, he agreed to star in the movie Saw 3D. In Saw 3D, it is stated that Lawrence was there with JIgsaw the whole time, and that creates a little plot hole, because in Saw 3, Jigsaw needed a surgeon to operate on his brain tumor, and thats where Lynn came in,but Lawrence was also a surgeon, and could've done the job without any trouble. However it might have been just for the sake of putting Lynn and Jeff in a trap to "teach them their lesson." I don't really know what else to add, but I just wanted to talk about Saw because it's my special interest!! I hope everyone has a good day/night!!!<3

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