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Category: Blogging

Hey SpaceSleepers (69): Funny Number but Bad Day

Honestly I was tempted not to post anything today because I had such a lousy day. I got dressed today in a cute outfit specifically because I wanted to match my Hachiware plush backpack. It only led to me being harassed by people and losing the only really nice hat that I own. Not to mention my tights got ripped today so there was a little hole on it that showed my thigh, which was honestly embarrassing.

To begin my bad experience, when I was trying to make it to the train to meet up with a friend, a guy turned to me and spat on me, before saying something nasty thing I didn't bother paying mind to. I just chose to side-eye him and walk past because I wasn't going to ruin my day just for this guy, I had to make sure my hat stayed on my head and no one could look up my skirt on the stairs. A few hours into hanging out with my friend, I found that there was a hole in my tights that revealed part of my thigh, which sucked because it meant that my bare skin was touching the seat, which is something that makes me feel a constant urge to clean the skin.

I need you to know that I rarely wore the plush bunny beret, it was my absolute favorite hat that I kept hanging. In fact, this was only the third time I have worn that hat. I got it directly from an artist that I am positive no longer sells. A gnawing part of me reminded me that I could lose my hat today, it always reminds me that I can lose something the moment it matters to me. And although I watched it like a hawk and had my friend also keep track of it, it sadly fell off my head while I was making my way to my train. I tried going back for it but it was nowhere to be found. To make matters a guy started demeaning me while I was looking for it, calling me "little girl" and something else that I can't remember because I was already pissed that my most prized hat was missing. I think he might have realized that he picked a bad target because he cowered the moment I turned my enraged gaze at him. He started stammering excuses, like every man who demeans me the moment they find out that I will do something about it. Needless to say, I didn't find my hat and I was two on the harassment counter of the day. Maybe Thursdays are just not my day (08/15/2024).

— Mars  ᓚᘏᗢ

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