Good day people of the internet. This will be an introduction, not that much to who I am as that doesn't matter at all, but primarily to what you'll read about in my blog.
I'm just a simple portuguese girl, living in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area... And the world has never been so divided by politics, and people really talk about that... what obviously made me curious and made me do my own research, as well as discuss topics with other people (in real life, amazing, I know) around politics. I developed my own belives and now wanted to share my ideas here... Why? I'm not sure. People seem to be scared of calling out dilusiousness, psycosis and ignorance. You can't trust all the resources and things are scary, many wars going on, many crimes... It seem right to do so and I'm bored.
I'm planning of writing about... hot topics right now! Like trans people and the LGBT community in general, about envioromental problems, mainly about tranportation like eletric cars, cruises and planes, about body positivity and all of those problems that make privelege first world country people argue over nothing while people in power laught at us, screaming about nonsense, about sports, about fucking language, and are living the dream life with the money they stole from their people, not giving a shit about the wars and real problems of the world. Not giving a shit about who they are suppost to protect: the people.
Well, I'll discuss about the news, sometimes about the portuguese news. About the recent problems. I'll try to write about everything because I'm one of those people who still thinks they can change the world.
I'm like politically homeless. I don't label myslef with any ideology, I don't need to. Once I took the political compass test and I was very to the centre non authoritarian side, but we all know the test isn't really accurate most of the times.
Keep in mind my native lenguage is portuguese and I'm still learning english. Mistakes are very propitious and expected to happen... Althought I'm sure it is still understandable.
Kisses to y'all spacehey users...
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Alexis XIV
It's nice to see a member that is outspoken and passionate about her views. I love your works regardless of the backlash you may face.
I must also mention, your English is VERY good, I would have never even assumed it was your second language! You right very precisely and with deep insight. Very nice to meet a person from Portugal (as is - that's where I am assuming you're from)
It's nice to meet you and I hope you've been having a swell time regardless of the sort of divisive community this program has!
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