
I 4m s0 n3rv0us t0 g0 b4ck t0 sch00l, 1f I'm 4cc3pt3d 1nt0 th1s n3w sch00l I w1ll h4v3 n0 fr13nds D:

I  h4v3 b33n w4tch1ng v1d30s 0f h0w t0 m4k3 fr13nds 4nd stuff, s0 n0w I'm l34rn1ng 4b0ut d4gg3rs 1n h0p3s 0f b31ng m0r3 1nt3r3st1ng ;-;

I c4m3 b4ck t0 n0rsk s0 I'll h4v3 s0m3th1ng c00l t0 sh0w 0ff, I r34lly n33d s0m3th1ng 3ls3 t0 h4v3 thr33 c00l th1ngs 4b0ut m3... Pl34s3 dr0p sugg3st10ns!!1!

2 Kudos


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Izzy's profile picture

Speaking in leetspeak is cool and all, but it's kind of hard to read to some people, so here's a translation:

"I am so nervous to go back to school, if I'm accepted into this new school I will have no friends D:

I have been watching videos of how to make friends and stuff, so now I'm learning about daggers in hopes of being more interesting ;-;

I came back to norsk so I'll have something cool to show off, I really need something else to have three cool things about me... please drop suggestions!"

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Th4nks f0r tr4nsl4t1ng ^^

by Khara; ; Report


T̶Y̶S̶O̶N̶  's profile picture

as a dyslexic this is awful to read...

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Thank you for your comment, but don't feel obligated to read blogs like this, I'm not that interesting

by Khara; ; Report