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Category: Blogging

what would happen if we disconnected for a bit?

I've always been conscious about how social media has affected those my age, and with that I'm starting to slowly derail from its grip on me. but how? 

newer forms of social media do an amazing job at retaining our attention through overloading our brains with new things, clickbait, etc. and the addiction to it can be hard to let go. considering this, I've resulted to replicas of the old internet such as hey space and have deleted almost everything off my phone except for the factory set apps. 

it's only been about two weeks that I've done this and I'm starting to realize drastic changes in my behaviors and activity levels. what was once before a "phone glued to the face girl" is now actually able to enjoy the world around her. 

things i used to love as a kid are starting to reappear and i have the energy to embrace them. I've always longed to be creative with the ability to draw or do digital creations, and photography has also always been a love of mine as well. and over these past two weeks I've progressively felt fuller due to my motivation to take up the task. 

on a less self-viewing note, I'm also able to retain more attention towards my friends and the interactions i have with them. I used to always zone out during conversations or become incredibly fatigued trying the get through one. however, i now feel like I can add to a conversation and the great feelings that stem from my friendships have a larger impact on me. 

along with photography i recently splurged on a polaroid camera that takes sx-70 film and have been thoroughly enjoying the physical aspect of having taken that photo. my next steps are to indulge in more physical media and seeing if converting to a flip phone would be of use to me. 

would you try this out? 

3 Kudos


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mika's profile picture

SO TRUE. it helps not being constantly bombarded with useless information/distractions. giving ourselves opportunities to think about who we are, rediscovering things, learning new things that are actually worth while for self-development etc… it’s actually scary thinking about how normal brain rot is

as for switching to a flip phone, i’ve entertained the thought of it, but i’d always come up with excuses like “but spotify..” i don’t know, i mean it would look cool, but i don’t really think it’s practical. i hate to admit it but outside of brain rot media, i rely on it a lot and its pretty useful. i feel like id just be hindering my day to day life. hopefully the results turn out good for you though idk mayb ill try it for a week or so:D

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I had the same issue with Spotify. being such a music lover is hard when trying to shy away from modern tech. but mp3 players are the best free music device there is in my opinion. or an iPod is a good second choice if you don't mind spending a couple cents to own a song. I've been searching up different ideas to get passed that and those have been my top choices, but it definitely halters our ability to find new artists and fall in love/ grow with our taste in music especially if your socially awkward and can't outright ask others what song they would recommend.

by graveg0rlie; ; Report