Hey SpaceSleepers (67): Showing This to a 1st Century Peasant

Sorry for being extremely casual here but I just found out that American Reactionaries are rewriting the Bible and it has to be the most bewildering thing I have heard in a while. If you don't know, editing the words of the Bible other than in translation into other languages is definite HERESY. Revelation 22:18 of the NKJV says, "For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book", which is saying in the clearest word that it is against the rule to add (and obviously remove) things to the Bible. These people are without a shadow of a doubt heretics by the word of their own Bible, heretics! This is so funny to me in ways that I cannot even truly put into words.

They are not just rewriting the text to have more conservative language, but they are removing things from the Bible that they deem too 'liberal'. One of the excerpts they're editing is a statement about someone being sent by Christ to share gospel rather than to convert someone because it would cancel out Jesus' sacrifice but the reactionaries on Conservapedia made it say "liberal claptrap" which sounds like a euphemism for SOMETHING and is also definitely not what the original text meant. I would not have dreamed to say this phrase so literally, however, these words are genuinely NOT in the Bible (08/13/2024).

— Mars  ᓚᘏᗢ

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