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Category: Life


i hate being an overthinker. i hate it so much with suck a burning passion. 

I'm in a public server on discord and i had been making friends perfectly fine and i love all of them. but today i saw two of them were on call so i was like, "hay I'll join☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆" Cus there my pookies yk? and when i joined they were like "hia arrow" and knew i was there. they continued there convo and it reminded me of something so i brought it up. But as soon as i was done talking the silence was LOUD. like LOUD LOUD-... and after a second they continued there conversation like i didn't say anything.

and- Like at firs i was thinking maybe my mic wasn't working? But then one of my other friends joined, witch I've known for abt 2 years now, and he was like "hay arrow" and responded like hay is my mic working? and he said it was fine?! So then i was thinking maybe there just not in the mood??? but i'm overthinking atp cus thetas are new people so like opinions on a person can change quickly. an then the both of them muted and weren't talking, then in the vc text (R) was like "hay ima head out" so i said bye  pookie q(≧▽≦q), witch the both of them usually respond the same by calling me pookie , but nether of them did so i was all like "hmmmmm, weird." 

but once they both left i brought it up to my fried of 2 years i had mentioned before, and he was also saying "maybe they were just tired? like how sometimes at our lunch table people are supper talkative one day and the next day be all burnt out and wont talk at all" i agreed obviously cus that's a valid point. (there were more details and such but i dont wunna make this too long-)

And as much as i agree with his point and think that could be it, all of the people at the lunch table have known each other for over like a year or so. and the people who were acting like this (my 2 other friends) i don't know that well! And like i had mentioned before OPINNIONS OF PEOPLE YOU JUST MET CAN CHANGGEEEE AND SO QUICKLY TOO-. So im worrieng on if i did somthing to offend them or someone said something about me (which isn't likely but still a possibility)

but you all understand what i mean right??? i just think i needed to wright abt it o(TヘTo)               cus everyone in this server is like supper nice, and i dont wunna do somthing to fuck it up? witch i usualy dont but there are allwase some people that just like drama- 

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Dogman's profile picture

some of the times the only thing you can do is wait and trust in them to tell you if something is really wrong, maybe it'll help to ask them about the situation just to ease your worries.

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