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Category: Pets and Animals

My Kitty's Stinky Butt :(

My cat got a UTI! :shakes fist: Nooo…..

It’s not the end of the world. Her vet saw to her and gave her beautiful shots. Poor Gris, though. She’s been licking herself raw, so the whole thing was painful for her. They couldn’t even get her temperature the first time, it was so friggin sad. :cruel world: She was in pain the whole time, poor dear.

The worst part is, we started noticing the smell a WHILE ago. It was the weekend, which is when her regular vet’s closed, and nighttime anyway, so I took her to an emergency hospital nearby.

It was:

  • Expensive
  • Not very informative
  • Useless

We were there because of the smell we’d started noticing that day. It was so bad, we immediately thought, “Oh no, what if it’s an infection?”

So we went to the vet specifically about the smell, but while there, nobody even mentioned it! They told us:

“She has incontinence.”

Yeah. We knew that… She’s been peeing my bed for months now. It’s not so bad. Like, she stains a spot, but I live on the edge by placing my drinks directly down on soft surfaces like my mattress and sofa all the time, so these things already have countermeasures for spills. I just change out the sheets and we’re good, y’know?

They prescribed us what was essentially the smallest bottle of Proin, but 3 times more expensive. I could only find it in their pharmacy too, which…??? I dunno about this, doc.

Since it’d be nice to deal with the peeing anyway, we thought, hey! Let’s just get Proin and cut the tablet in half for the dosage, that’s probably fine, right? But we were denied the meds because Proin has this annoying label that says it is specifically for dogs. So, no dice there.

Either way, they never addressed her infection. They gave us a bill of over 500 buckoroos and said goodbye. So we were like, alright, at least it’s not an infection, right? Let’s move on with our lives, it’s probably not that bad then.

La dee dah dah…

BAM, came the next weekend and the smell was not gone at all. Worst of all, it was obviously bothering her 24/7 because she was always licking it, so now not only was there a bad smell, it just straight up looked awful. She licked herself raw down there. No fur, just red and an ulcer….

I tried to clean it a few times, gently, so she’d just stop doing it herself. Lemme tell you, she’ll pretend to be sweet to you so you’ll feed her and give her pets, but this girl gets nasty. So while I did manage to wipe her a few times, she always managed to escape, and the first thing she’d do once free was lick herself.

On Saturday, she was not hungry.

Guys, no. No, she’s ALWAYS hungry. She’ll swipe the food right outta your hand. I have to split during dinner, Gris in hand, so she won’t mess with everyone else while they eat.

She didn’t accept any of her wet food, but I eventually managed to give her one of those pouches of soup for cats (even I wanna eat them sometimes), and a yogurt.

On Sunday, she only accepted half a yogurt.

Oh heck no, we needed to get her to the vet, pronto!! Since we didn’t trust the other hospital anymore, and it was almost Monday anyway, we thought we’d just wait so I could call on Monday morning (yesterday, that is).

Look, I don’t mean to be rude to the eyes, I know some people don’t like to read cuss, but social anxiety is a fucking bitch.

Anyway, that and one sleep later, and it was too late to call the vet. Thankfully, she’d started eating again, though.

Still, vet’s a must. The smell still lingered, her vagina area still looked awful, even part of her tail was missing some hair because she’d been licking the whole area an awful lot.

I finally, finally, made an appointment for today.

Gris hates dogs. She scratched my mom once because there was a dog nearby. The cutest dog was there in the waiting room, getting pets and cuddles and all the good tail-shaking stuff, but I resisted the urge to pet, alright? Because Gris hates dog.

Anyway, the visit was so different from the first.

The total was below $200 even though they gave (not prescribed, gave :syringe: ) her meds.

We got info and recommendations on how to take care of her. She’s getting checked again within a week to see how she’s doing.

Best of all, they actually addressed the friggin issue! The first nurse straight up said it was impossible not to address the smell, it was that prevalent!

My poor poor cat then went through the whole process. No fever, but, yeah, she had an infection. But she should start getting better now.

I’m just mad we went to the first hospital at all. Not only was it expensive and useless; since they made it seem like all was well, we waited a whole week before making her another appointment.

Oh, also, apparently I named my cat after a cocaine boss with a Netflix series. Cool. :dance dance:

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Beeble's profile picture

Vets who don't care about animals SUCK. Ugh. I hope she gets to feeling better!

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Thank you, she's already looking and smelling so much better. She's pretty much back to normal now!

by metemo; ; Report