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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

The creepiest dream I've had

It started with my older brother driving but it wasn't really him. It's confusing, but I'm in the passenger seat and two of my sisters are in the backseat and we're driving on a desolate dirt road. There's nothing you can see besides desert and weeds, and we turn left on to another dirt road. As we drive down the road, we can see two houses coming into view, the houses miles apart. We turn right down the road to the house closest to use before he pulls into the yard, parking the car in front of a tree. 

When we got out, my sister stated that she doesn't feel comfortable being there and that she'll be staying in the car. I just assumed she was being dramatic, so I go to look around and see there's a hole in the tree. In the hole was a dead cat with a bird in its mouth, but it didn't look like it choked on the bird. Anyways, I follow my other sister inside, trying to ignore the weird thing with the tree. Inside the house is a very open floor plan, you can see the whole house from the bedroom loft, and it looks like whoever lived there left everything behind, cooking utensils where still there along with clothes and expensive looking camping gear.

As we're looking around, I see this oddly shaped shadow on the ceiling go into the garage, connected in the kitchen. My brother walks into the house from the same door the shadow left through as I go to follow it. I ask him if he's seen anything, and he tells me I'm freaking myself out before he continues to look around. I shove his comment to the side as I walk into the garage, looking around for the weird shadow when I see a woman in white with long, greasy brown hair walking away from the garage. 

Confused and a little nervous, I follow her out of the building and see her enter a very common looking barn. The feeling of dread fills me as I enter the barn. By the door on the ground is a trapdoor with a hanging light directly above it with a latter is leaning on the wall next to it. I can see the light starting to swing so I look at the ceiling and see the shadow again, watching as it goes over to the loft overseeing what I'm assuming is the butcher area. On the loft is my second sister, looking over to the meat hooks and the shadow stops above her. 

An old, 80's style clown reaches down from the shadow and grabs her, lifting her up and dragging her to the trapdoor. The door opens and he lets go but, thankfully, she was able to grab the edge of the ground before she fell in. I quickly pull her out and we both look into the hole; it's filled with dead bodies. Thousands of bodies and there's still a few hundred feet left for more. 

In a panic, I force her to the car as I go grab our brother. Thankfully, I don't have to convince him that we need to leave. We pile into the car quickly, buckling so he can speed, and he pulls out quickly. I remember telling him we need to turn left two time and a right to leave but when he did, we ended up back at the house. As he turns the car around, I can see the woman from before, she seems upset like she knew this was going to happen and she wasn't happy about it. 

He drives away again, going past the other house only to see it wasn't a different house, rather a duplicate of the house we're trying to leave. When I realize that it's going to be an endless loop, my body forced itself awake. 

This happened when I was around fourteen years old, and I still question it more than I'd like.

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