ZOMBIEGVTZZZ's profile picture

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Category: Blogging


nickname::idk give me one
how old are you::13
zodiac sign::sagittarius
current location::wilamsburg kentucky
eye color::brown
hair color::brown
hair type::curly
your heritage::irish
what's your middle name::eric
shoe's you wore today::black high top converse
your weakness::personal questions
your fear::death
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull::no
do you want to::idk
goal you would like to achieve this year::go to a music festival
first thought when you wake up::idk
best physical feature::collarbones
who is your bestest freind::nick
when is your bedtime::3am
your most cherished memory::halloween as a kid
pepsi or coke::coke
mc dondalds or burgerking::theyre both zio funded so none
singel or group dates::group
what is the last song you sang::sarcasm - get scared
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive::yes
what is your biggest pet peeve::vague answers
do you drink::not yet
ever been drunk::not yet
do you smoke::no
do you "SMOKE"::nah
do you sing::yeah
what color underwear do you have on::none ya business
do you want to go to college::not at all
have you ever been in love::yeah twice
do you wnat to get married::yep
do you believe in yourself::50/50
do you believe inothers::50/50
do you like thunderstorms::no
do you play an instrument::not yet
what do you want to be when you grow up::journalist
what country would you like to visit::cuba
how many CD's do you own::7
how many DVD's do you own::4
how many tattoo's do you have::none yet
how many piercings do yo have::1 pair of ear piercings, want more
how many things in the past do you regeret::a lot
shoes::combat boots
radio station:: rock 105.1
drink::cherry coke & dr pepper
place::skate park
song::too many
movie::archie's final project
moment::skating with my crush
color::neon green
favorite eye color::green
favorite hair color::blonde or jet black
short or long hair::medium
body type::if theyre not morbidly obese idc
does ethnicity matter::no "israelis" (fck israel)
piercings::a lot
tattoos::a lot
do you think you are attractive::not at all
are you attracted to someone who does not know it::yeah
would you like to be someones fantasy::yep
hunter or hunted::hunter i guess??
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open::never kissed before but id say closed
a little or a lot of tongue::depends
older or younger::preferably my age or a little older??
lights on/lights off or candle light::idk im a virgin
do you like to cuddle after::see above
do you like to cuddle in general::kinda
what is todays date::8/13/2024
what time is it::12;25am
who are you thinking of::nicky
what are you listening to::if only she knew voodoo like i do - get scared
do you love someone::100%
do you know where your mechanical bull is::what
does someone love you::probably
is it raining::no
how many myspace friends do you have::a little bit
are you happy::not really

hot or not survey from 2009 (just saying what i find hot/cool or not lmao)

1. Paris Hilton: hot

2. Vin Diesel: not

3. Tight Jeans on boys: hot

4. Smoking: hot

5. Drinking: hot (to an extent)

6. Big butts: not

7. Skateboarders: hot

8. Surfers: not

9. Corvettes: not

10. Weddings: not

11. Mini skirts: hot

12. Ripped Jeans: hot

13. Rhinestones on clothing: not

14. Pierced Nose: hot

15. Tattoos: not

16. Pierced Lip: hot

17. Pierced cheeks: not

18. Facial tattoos: hot

19. Temporary Tattoos: not

20. Criss Angel: ?? wtf is that

21. Jonas Brothers: not

22. Justin Timberlake: not

23. Jessica Biel: not

24. One night stands: not

25. Dressing a dog: not

26. Shoes for dogs: hot

27. Thongs: hot

28. Leggings: not

29. Jean jackets: not

30. Online flirting: hot

31. Public displays of affection: not

32. pink clothing on guys: hot

33. Long hair on guys: hot

34. Mustaches: hot

35. High school sweethearts: hot

36. Prom queen: hot

37. School dances: hot

38. Detention: not

39. Guys who cuss a lot: hot

40. Girls who spit: hot

41. Scars: hot

42. You: not

Seventy Questions

01. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?: no its back and fourth
02. Who did you last say “I love you” to?: my mom
03. Do you regret anything?: a lot of stuff
04. Are you insecure?: all the time
05. What is your relationship status?: complicated but single
06. How do you want to die?: suicide by rope
07. What did you last eat?: a cough drop
08. Played any sports?: cheer in the 5th grade
09. Do you bite your nails?: all the time
10. When was your last physical fight?: a few months ago
11. Do you like someone?: yeah
12. Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?: yeah
13. Do you hate anyone at the moment?: a lot of people
14. Do you miss someone?: my grandpa
15. Have any pets?: a yorkie dog named willie
16. How exactly are you feeling at the moment?:numb
17. Ever made out in the bathroom?: no
18. Are you scared of spiders?: yea
19. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?: yep id hug my grandpa
20. Where was the last place you snogged someone?: wtf does that mean
21. What are your plans for this weekend?: sleep all day
22. Do you want to have kids? How many?: like 2
23. Do you have piercings? How many?: a pair of ear piercings but i want more
24. What is/are/were your best subject(s)?: english & art
25. Do you miss anyone from your past?: yeah
26. What are you craving right now?: water
27. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?: idk
28. Have you ever been cheated on?: no
29. Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?: no
30. What’s irritating you right now?: nothing
31. Does somebody love you?: probably
32. What is your favourite color?: neon green
33. Do you have trust issues?: yeah
34. Who/what was your last dream about?: school
35. Who was the last person you cried in front of?: my best friend
36. Do you give out second chances too easily?: yeah
37. Is it easier to forgive or forget?: to forget
38. Is this year the best year of your life?: not at all
39. How old were you when you had your first kiss?: havent had it
40. Have you ever walked outside completely naked?: no
51. Favourite food?: sandwich.
52. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?: no
53. What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?: browsed spacehey
54. Is cheating ever okay?: revenge cheating is okay
55. Are you mean?: i try not to be
56. How many people have you fist fought?: 2
57. Do you believe in true love?: kinda
58. Favourite weather?: fall
59. Do you like the snow?: a little bit
60. Do you wanna get married?: yeah
61. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?: no its corny
62. What makes you happy?: not much
63. Would you change your name?: yeah
64. Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?: ive never kissed anyone
65. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?: probably panic
66. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?: yeah
67. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?: my friend jax
68. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?: my mom
69. Do you believe in soulmates?: not really
70. Is there anyone you would die for?: no

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