Scaling Avatar (the Na’vi)

Scaling Avatar (the Na’vi)


If you’ve read a scale of mine, you already know the first bit here: I’ll be assuming that humans are around human level unless I have good reason to believe otherwise. This helps keeps interpretations of stories consistent. Special exception because Pandora has lower gravity– not to a major extent, but enough for the characters to verbally communicate.

I am basing my opinions off of the first two movies for now. I will most likely expand this as soon as the third one comes out.

This will list characters from weakest to strongest. Don’t be surprised when I make some assumptions for the sake of placing people. I will take weaponry into account but I won’t place characters off of their weapons alone.

Sky People

The soldiers brought to Pandora are well trained ex-army and ex-marine. They are top of the line fighters equipped with armor. I won’t be scaling the scientists, machinists, and office secretaries that find themselves in the Sky People HQ.

Power: Peak Human - Due to a lack of gravity strength, the soldiers are able to carry heavy armor and weapons through rainforests easily. Normally I’d call them athletic human, but they have to hit a bit differently in low gravity compared to Earth.

Note: Sky People have high caliber rifles and explosive launchers. That’s easily SH one or two if not more. A Sky Person launcher takes a whole train off its rails.

Speed: Basic Human - Low gravity should not help in terms of speed. These soldiers are well trained and at their peak but also weighed down and having to gain momentum through almost moon-like gravity.

Durability: Super Human - Normal human level with some action story nonsense and plate carriers to boot. We only ever see one durability feat and that’s in Avatar 2. The scientist boat dude doesn’t immediately die and split apart from a super whale forcing him in two with a metal rope. 

Intelligence: High Human - Well trained grunts. The pilots are quite good at what they do and we know touring Pandora requires years of training to qualify.

Totaling the value of each ranking gives me 20. Divide that among the stats, and you get 5, making the Sky People grunts well over basic human level. Considering they are genocidal idiots, I would say they are aggressive at a 125% character buff, making them a 6.25 in combat.


The blue man group in their natural habitat. The guys behave like extra nimble humans despite weighing much much more than a human. At 400 pounds (with low gravity considered), their physical prowess is weighed down but also benefits from a higher amount of weight behind their strikes. Not to mention they exist most their lives in their physical prime.

Power: Super Human 2 - If the Sky People are Peak Human, and Jake (in a fresh Na’vi body) is noticeably stronger than them, and he’s very weak compared to the natural Na’vi, means he’d need to raise up a couple notches of power to compensate. These things wrestle with Ikran, essentially small dragons that can take down large military choppers in pairs.

They can also ride various animals that they connect to biologically to boost their strength. THey also have very deadly toxic arrows that break through bullet-proof glass.

Speed: Super Human - Can’t dodge bullets but can aim dodge well trained soldiers and snatch them off their feet before they can react. 

They can also ride various animals that they connect to biologically to boost their speed.

Durability: Bestial - This one is difficult. Na’vi die from high caliber bullets but can tank hard physical blows. In the first Avatar, Jake’s Na’vi lays in burning ash for a good 24 hours or so and gets up with no health issues. We know Jake’s Na’vi is built different towards the end of his manhood training, so this may be a result of being a main character. The Na’vi are all around tough but still fragile enough to not label as SH.

Intelligence: Super Human - Masters of many skills with the added bonus of being able to interact with ancestors through Eywa in a dream-like state. This allows them to learn medicine and ways of old in very short periods. Naytiri states that Jake, an ex-marine, is toddler-like in ability and know-how.

Totaling the value of each ranking gives me 45. Divide that among the stats, and you get 11.25, making the Na’vi above super human level. Despite this, they are strictly defensive, giving them a 75% character, which drops them down to 8.45.

Ikran / Skimwing

The medium-weight dragons of Pandora. Part of becoming a man on Pandora means learning to catch and ride these animals.

Power: Super Human 3 - Absolute monsters. These things take down large military helicopters in pairs and can most likely solo them with suicide techniques. They are seen as much stronger than the Na’vi. SH4 may be a more realistic tiering but I can’t substantiate that power level.

Speed: Super Human 3 - Able to catch up to double-rotor helicopters in light gravity and dive at even faster speeds. 

Durability: Super Human - We only ever see these things get shot at by MG’s, making it hard to place their durability. Some Ikran take three or four .50 cal rounds to bring down. Creatures like this are probably why the Na’vi have neurotoxin-tipped arrows.

Intelligence: Basic Human - Avatar has a theme of animals who can communicate with the Na’vi and even come up with complex battle plans. The animals aren’t formally taught or anything, but they’re smart to say the least.

Totaling the value of each ranking gives me 72. Divide that among the stats, and you get 18, making the Ikrtan lean towards twice-over super human level. Despite this, they are docile in their natural state, giving them a 50% character, which drops them down to 9. Despite this, after Eywa becomes anti-Sky People, the animals are much more likely to turn aggressive and can actually reach bloodlusted level with little warning. I’m going to do something I rarely do and give them a 75% rating for a 13.5 average.

Jake Sully (Na’vi)

Top dog Toruk Makto. He surpasses the Ikran stage and takes on what is essentially an actual dragon. Not even the Ikran try this. Not only that, he fights evenly with the Colonel in his Na’vi. Although I won’t scale the Colonel right now, he takes on an Ikran with no training, is narratively implied to be the strongest Sky Person, and has the most training possible.

Power: Super Human 3 - Can wrestle with the Toruk who is many times larger than an Ikran. He uses a sneak attack, which lessens this feat.

Speed: Super Human - Jake still can’t dodge bullets but he aim dodges like a mother fucker.

Durability: Super Human 4 - The Colonel takes a missile blast point-blank, then gets a stronger Na’vi body, then trains as well. Jake is on par with him. Insane. Jake takes very large falls and swaps hands with AMPs that take out Thanator’s in hand-to-hand combat.

Intelligence: Super Human - I wouldn’t say Jake is as smart as a Na’vi but he has a lot of useful arms training that he passes on to the Na’vi. Given he’s had access to the Spirit Tree for a good decade or more, and is ex-marine, I’ll give him this.

Totaling the value of each ranking gives me 90. Divide that among the stats, and you get 22.5. Sully is more than twice-over super human. He is defensive though, knocking him down with a .75x multiplier to 16.9.


The strongest animal on Pandora. Unmatched in all stats just about.

Power: Super Human 5 - Does what two Ikran can do with less struggle. This thing no-diffs helicopters.

Speed: Super Human 4 - Not notably faster than the Ikran but must be a bit faster with how efficiently it rips through Sky People vehicles.

Durability: Super Human 2 - Assuming this thing is tougher than the Ikran seeing as though it never gets hurt but is a larger target. It must be built different. I’d like to say it tanks MG rounds but I have no proof of that so SH2 is where I place this stat.

Intelligence: Basic Human - Most likely Ikran in nature.

Totaling the value of each ranking gives me 112. Divide that among the stats, and you get 28. Top dog, as I said. Not only this, this thing is not defensive at all. It’s pre bloodlusted, killing any Ikran it finds. This is a rare “extremely aggressive” rating. At 150% character, the Toruk is a 42 all around.

0 Kudos


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