The "scene kids" on here are trying too hard, i think

hi i was not really here for when the scene subculture was popular so take what i say with a grain of salt.

but i feel as if that the "scene" kids on here are trying to hard. And not to mention most of them were not here for the 2000's neither so it just seems... odd to me.

They all have this strange obsession with gir from invader zim and make their profiles so bright, and im not saying scene kids didn't do that back then but im saying that thats what they are watering it down to.

if you look at scene girls from the 2000's-2010's they, infact, did not CONSTANTLY (i say constantly because obviously some did) dress up in bright tutus and have emoticons every other word and replace s with z with their words.

Some scene kids dressed up in plain black skinny jeans with only ONE studded belt and a brand tee. heck, some of them didnt even dye their hair like that

But what im not saying is to stop dressing like a streotypical scene kid, if thats the look your going for, just try to be mindful that scene isnt just being loud and showing off bright eyeblinding colors :) dont let some random girl on the internet stop you from being yourself

let me know if i explained this wrong in any way its late and my back hurts

11 Kudos


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HallowSpirits's profile picture

the scene/emo days era of the early 2000s were honestly so cool, but so dangerous T.T
Gir was the scene god- you couldnt go anywhere without seeing invader zim backpacks, beanies, belts, t-shirts, etc.
It was all about how bright, loud, obnoxious, and tacky you were- tutus from claires, neon pink camis from Wet Seal, Jeffree star on repeat on your ipod nano, kandi beads and various plastic accessories, hair was teased big with, you guessed it, neon feathers and raccoon tails. Headbands across your swoop bangs and carrying a can of got2be anywhere you went.
texting was all on a number pad, so it really was more "ez 2 typ lik dis" and it just kinda stuck even when typing on a computer- it was like your own digital dialect in a way.
so while i agree that the kids today aren't doing things exactly how they were back then, the spirit of bright, obnoxious, cringe, tacky is still very much alive.
Idk if they will load, but these are some photos from that time <3

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thank you, Like i said i wasnt there at that time so i dont have much say but from the relics i have seen of 2000's scene culture it just looks different from what the people today are doing

by snakebeans5168; ; Report


spottydogs's profile picture

Real!! And they way they type is so over the top and embarrassing, they're trying WAY too hard

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by snakebeans5168; ; Report

Melody Madness!

Melody Madness!'s profile picture

Righttt !! Most scene kids on this app are actually scenecore / 2020 alt (it’s not bad of course, I just think it’s important to know the difference!)

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by marie; ; Report


T̶Y̶S̶O̶N̶  's profile picture

while i agree theyre trying too hard and it feels void of actual personality and authenticity i disagree with your points. scene was colourful (tho still emo-ish), and the hair was the most important part. it was bright and big. but i think msot the kids on here just follow whats popular on tik tok.

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