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Category: Art and Photography

attempt at bleach painting

I wanted to take my several-plus-years-old blank T-shirts and do something creative with them as I feel like my wardrobe is really boring + I have the supplies/skills (kinda). I wasn't sure what, but after picking up this one I was like, "Bleach turns black fabric orange. What would look neat rendered in orange and black besides Halloween-ish things? Some koi fish, I guess." Then I just painted with diluted bleach and hoped for the best... !! I sketched onto the shirt a little bit beforehand to prevent myself from royally fucking up, but for the most part I freely painted onto the fabric.

It came out all right, at least for a first attempt.

I added the lily pads because I thought it would add more visual interest to the composition but hmmmmmmmmmm... let me know your thoughts if you have any

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Avery's profile picture

Yo this is really cool! I've done this on accident to a shirt of mine before but never thought of actually painting with it! Yeah I think the lily pads do add something to the overall composition as well. Awesome stuff! I might have to try this...

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thanks!!! and if you try it out, do show me, id love to see it :D

by sam; ; Report