Watching the Olympics this year was surreal. I never watch sports. but this year something told me you really need to and for the most part i haven't been disappointed hearing all the peoples ages about who is winning gold this year. EVERY single age bracket that isn't like 60+ has been represented and done something literally extortionary.
There have been soo many ups and downs from watching someone in high school getting gold to watching Quincy Hall push for gold, to shacarri finally getting her gold they tried to take from her to Suni lee doing the damn thing and winning gold. I cannot be anymore proud of Americans this year pushing for their country. There's nothing like unification to me and the olympics is the space where that happens.
Yes im aware the military also provides that same sorta atmosphere but that is normally due to an akin hate they share. The Olympics are about passion, pride, and honor. TRUE HONOR. what it means to be a human and want to be the best.
I love watching the Olympics. Just gets me so passionate and lively for my country and every other country attending and pushing to win gold.
What does gold mean though in the Olympics though?
I'm no Olympian by any means, but i would love to know what i means truly for those with medals to tell us what gold means to them.
To me, as an outsider looking in i see the physical representation of honor. what dedication and passion and love looks like with the approval of all around the world. A way to prove to all you mean what you say in a world full of doubters. What a beautiful display of emotions and humanity<3
I am not patriotic but when there is a whole city filled with the hottest Olympians competing for gold, you bet your ass im tuned into watch the most gorgeous people on earth.
However i will say we have to mention the bullshit they pulled on Jordan. I hope they the USA appeals cause that's insanity. I have 0 tolerance for catering to white tears. If your fighter is weaker, you need to accept that fact. DO NOT EVER tarnish the Olympics with your feelings. The GODS would never be satisfied with giving gold to a wimp or a crybaby and neither tf should we.
Just my two cents on the matter and i hope that this Olympics can be one of the best that goes down in history but the way they are operating its a bit disingenuous and i feel like a lot of people aren't the Olympians they believe they are and they will be in for the rudest of awakenings in years to come.
Regardless of what those sore losers think, Jordan is absolutely a qualified and real olympian. No tears, just resign and silence and we have to come out as the voice of reason which is annoying asf to keep having to do. The olympics have meant the world to me since i was a child and i refuse to allow some twat ass romania to bitch at us. Thats really what it comes down to. Insanity.
Im not patriotic but in this sense i absolutely am and will be.
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