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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Spacehey Deleted Friend Checker Userscript

When you first hit your home page after installing this script, it saves a list of all your friends in the local storage of your browser.

When a friend no longer shows up in your list, for whatever reason, you will see a message on your home page like in the image below.

In order to run this script you'll need either the Greasemonkey add-on for Firefox or the Tampermonkey add-on which can be used with Chrome, Brave, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next, and Firefox.

Click the link below if you want to try it out.

Spacehey Deleted Friend Checker

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Vasilis's profile picture

hey, thats really cool! why repeated code tho? :(

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also i see that it saves the display names, what if someone changes their name? i think ids would work better

by Vasilis ; ; Report

The repeated code is because if there is more than one page of friends it needs to move on to the next page. Each page only displays 45 max.

by sudofry; ; Report

You can use the same function for all pages

by Vasilis ; ; Report

Ah I see what you mean. Yeah I kinda just threw it together on my lunch break and was just stoked I got it to work. I'll definitely change that. Thanks for pointing that out!

by sudofry; ; Report

Updated. Thanks again!

by sudofry; ; Report

I was going to use id's at first because I was going to make them hyperlinks. But if someone deletes you, deletes their own profile, or they block you, there's really no need to link to them anyway so I figured names would be sufficient. If a user changes their name, the function doesn't fire. It only goes off if your friend list has less than the saved list. And it updates your saved list whenever you hit your home page.

by sudofry; ; Report

Oh i see!

by Vasilis ; ; Report