Hello friends,
Everyone would be so grateful if they could have other " language level stamps " apart from the commons, but...it seems they are nowhere to be found !
Why this blog ? Because I've seen people asking around for the source or the link of these lang. lvl stamps and nada, no answer. So I surfed the web a bit and this is what I have found:
WEBSITE LINK: with the base stamp for language level
And now, by simply clicking on your right, you will be able to have a bigger variety of language lvl stamps.
Hoped this has helped and enjoy.
For those who need to know how to actually add it to your profile,
here is how:
step 1. right-click on the chosen image, click 'open image in another page'.
step 2. copy the URL and go to your profile.
step 3. paste it HERE.
step 4. <img src="HERE"/> and save it up.
step 5. C'est tout !!
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Sofia Florina
AH, thanks, finally I found it.
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Glad to help !!
by øuterspace ☆!; ; Report