(100% totally completely serious) changing my life around

My life is pretty boring so I read an article on how to change it around. Here I will lay out my plans and will hopefully become an inspiration to everyone who wants to do the same.

"Read daily"

Ah, yes. Reading. I don't suppose it will be too hard, I'll just switch from using cai to ao3. Easy peasy.

"Put your goals in writing"

Already am, I'm so good at this.

"Prune your relationships"

I don't know what that means, but I suppose it means to purify them or whatever. Won't be a problem, already did- there's no one left around me. I outdid myself yet again.

"Make new friends"

Getting new friends on moviestarplanet should be enough, I think. I just need a new look and VIP, people will flock to me like flies to poo. I don't know what flock means.

"Get healthy"

I guess I will cut on the chips. Tomorrow. I promise. I need to finish the pack today, 'kay? And I went on a bike ride today after a whole week of doing nothing, so the pack cancels out!!

"Start saving"

I don't spend because I'm stingy, it's okay. I'll just buy:

1. resident evil one, one remake, two, two remake, three: nemesis, three, four, four remake, five, six, biohazard, village, zero, code: veronica, relevations, six, revelations 2

2. Final fantasy, ffII, ffIII, IV, IV: after the years,V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, X-: last mission,XI: online, XII, XIII, XIV: online, XIV: a realm reborn, XV, XVI, stranger of paradise: ff origin, tactics, tactics advance, tactics: the war of lions, ...you get the drill

3. A ps5 that will run everything, a switch, a nintendo DS, a ps4 just in case, a WII, a gameboy and a iphone just in case

"Start a Business"

I already have. At the roblox marketplace.

thats it for now, anyway part two of plans soon

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