M0niMonika's profile picture

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Category: Life

boyfriend advice nobody ask for.

This is a useless advice, but I have seen some people (including me) ignore this detail when dating someone and I decided to make a blog about it cause why not. 

Basically, when you're dating someone, or you have a crush on someone, think about what you have in common with them. Cause, being mutual in most stuff with your love interest is important, especially when you both love smth that you're dying to talk about for hours and hours long. It's like a little energy boost to your relationship w them yk? 

This thing happened to me during my dating state actually, I was dating this one guy who I thought was the most sinless orthodox I've ever seen. The first reason he was talking to me online was because I am russian, and I was rlly rlly excited cause I am a proud russian, I am proud of who I am, and where I was born and raised in. But later as we kept talking, I realise that even though he was first talking to me cause I was russian, we never talked about russia and stuff. 

I thought he would be interested in talking about russia cause that was the first thing that made him interested in me. Turns out I was wrong. 

Everytime I talk about something I did in Russia, or talk about my life in Russia, or mention a little, unnoticeable stuff about russia, he would always complain with stuff like "Oh, my russian friends are pretty racist" "Oh, russians are aggressive" yada yada

It was a massive ick for me, cause, there is nothing I can do about other russians being rude, and aggressive so like, idk man. Like imagine you have a beautiful mexican wife and when she starts speaking you just shut her up with, "Oh mexicans are loud" and idk, some racist hurtful stuff. 


Moral of the story: don't date someone who never lets you embrace your passion near them. Be with someone that adds gasoline to your passionate fire instead <3

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totto-chan's profile picture

omg I feel you TT my ex partner constantly criticized my fashion sense and the way I dressed even tho he knew it was my one true hobby and passion.. he knew it was hurting my feelings and still did it. no clue why ppl do this its so mean :(

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It's a giant red flag bro, especially if he KNOWS it hurts your feelings.

by M0niMonika; ; Report


kitkatanddog's profile picture

this is a really important point that I wish more people took into genuine consideration. although I'm across the world from you, I can safely say that the people where I live often have the exact same problem. you should never surrender your pride about being russian to please somebody else- the only person who will 100% have your back in life is you. our identities are too important to give them up for love- & if we try, we will always end up too upset to stay- because we're not living as ourselves anymore (I know because it happened to me). I wish that people knew that no relationship with somebody else could ever make you as happy as the one with yourself.
I'm really sorry to hear that people are being nasty to you because you're russian- it seems to me that most people in the west who are like that lack self-awareness & are simply acting like frightened little animals to gain a sense of strength (which they lack within themselves). they would do it to anybody. I think that russians are such endearing & resilient people- I find it a little reassuring, actually, to see someone so proud of who they are & where they came from. it's very rare to see somebody like that in my country- we all seem ashamed to own our nationality. I think that, regardless of who you are, there is so much strength & security of the self to be found in embracing your cultural heritage- to see you doing that on your profile filled me with joy! I hope you're able to continue upholding & honouring russian traditions- I'm sure that it's a very rewarding experience c:
thank you for the interesting blog post! I hope you are well!

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Melnikoff's profile picture

In order not to disturb the harmonious style of the English language, I will not resort to Russian speech. One way or another, I can understand you, Monica. We, Russians, are now having a hard time with this growing pressure and Russophobia from the West and some Asian powers. I deeply appreciate and respect your national identity and pride in your homeland. Personally, I am not a religious person, but I consider our church one of the fundamental principles of our cultural self-improvement and formation as a modern European power.

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