Hey SpaceSleepers (62): Bad Day but Things Can Always Get Better

I had a kind of awful time today because, that's right, it was one of the days where I was overcome with nausea! I went to a The Marías concert because I bought those tickets on pre-sale and I could be on my deathbed before I miss a concert by the only band I give enough of a shit about to go to a concert. My seats were very shitty though, sadly. I think there was a point where Miss María Zardoya herself had ascended up the stairs and the fact that I was positioned on the seat on the far end meant that I didn't get a picture of her. I know that sounds really entitled, so I do apologize. It is a bit unserious to complain about but also the ticket prices were so high that I think it warrants a complaint if I happened to get pretty nasty seating alongside the previously mentioned perpetual nausea.

I think concerts are just a bit overstimulating, which is why I only go to concerts that my friends invite me to or specifically just concerts for The Marías. I'm happy that the band is so popular because they deserve to get their flowers for their art but a little sad that it means that its harder to get good seats and that I have to pay a very evil cost (service fee for no service). I think the merch was pretty good with on-point designs but the shirts are a bit on the thin side for material in comparison to their Superclean era stuff.

I do still think its important to take away that things can only get better from here since today was pretty bad. At least someone didn't shit themselves like that one Korean Music Award Show that everyone was talking about last year! María was absolutely magnetic on stage, she has always been extremely charismatic on mic so it is always a wonder to see her perform live. The set design was absolutely beautiful and I love what they did with lighting for the performance. It was a very beautiful concert even just from where I was sitting.

The opening band was amazing and it was a really cool band to be introduced to. I know its very "guy who has only listened to Shounen Knife" of me, but as someone who listens to a lot of music, I do believe that they have a lot of the great attributes I liked about Shounen Knife in their music. I am definitely adding them to my playlists since I really liked what they had and it was so fun to listen to their set. They also sell a pro-Palestine poster but I don't know if the proceeds from that just goes to them or if they send it to an organization like Operation Olive Branch, but I think the thought is cool (08/08/2024).

— Mars  ᓚᘏᗢ

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