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Category: School, College, University

ok so i start grad school pretttttty soon

i have a lot of blog drafts clogged up but i have some thoughts on going back to school bc i'm nervous af about that

so i go back to school in a few weeks and i don't feel ready in the slightest. me realizing school is soon i'll be in a new school in a new state... so many changes!

undergrad is one thing, but grad school feels like it's on a whole new level. lots more reading, writing, and even teaching other students... i still look like a student myself (i've unfortunately been mistaken for both a middle and high schooler), so I genuinely wonder how it'll go with TAing college students. 

i think what stresses me out the most about graduate school will be all the reading i'll have to do. it'll be hard to get back into the routine of reading longer amounts of material, and since i'll be dealing with other languages, i have to use twice the brainpower to read. I've been trying to practice here and there before school starts, but I've just been too comfortable with watching Youtube essays and movies instead. I need to do better. 

i do feel a bit prepared, though. I have some school supplies bought already (i love the backpack i got and i'm planning on getting a cute pencil case too!), and I've already gone looking for things for my apartment. i still have loads of incoming paperwork to fill out though. so much to do in so little time...!

other than that, i should be signing up for classes soon (which i'm most excited about) it felt like summer vacation has been here forever and i'm looking forward to being busy again. i'll probably have another fun update once i've settled into grad school life.

Until then,


P.S. If you're a current grad student (especially in the humanities), I'd appreciate any and all advice on how to survive grad school

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Archer27's profile picture

What are you studying? I didn't know people actually went to grad school, I always assumed it was just one of those bogeymen used to scare naughty students

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i'm studying east asian languages and literature! i think grad school is a good idea if you want to deepen your knowledge in an area or want to gain experience in an area your undergrad lacked. my college didnt have a solid EA program so it's why im going to graduate school.

by e; ; Report