niko #miserable condom :<'s profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

My growing apathy towards SpaceHey

this is a part 2 of my other shitty blog but its not like i care anymore   

Ok so this is gonna be a bitchin' session about this sites problems. This is an opinionated blog so you're free to disagree as much as you like, comments exist after all.

   My first nit-pick with SpaceHey is the UI. It's fine especially that I already got used to it, its just why isn't there a dark mode? Like do we need to make this EXACTLY like MySpace "Yea that's the point dumbass" but like do we? I'm willing to suspend my disbelief for quality of life. Other then that the UI is alright.

   Dead features. Forums and groups could work but due to them not being highlighted in any way shape or form most new comers don't even know they exist. The forums SOMETIMES from what I've seen gets one post or two on a lucky day but that's it really. Leading to some people to say that this is a blogging site. Speaking of the blogs.

   Blogs kinda suck. Which I don't mean all. First of all can we all agree that when u check the blogs or forums and groups for that matter to NOT show you the top ones out the gate. Most the time its just drama which I'll get to in a moment. Right now thankfully the top blogs aren't fucking drama. And the new blogs also have problems. THANKFULLY the problem with those company bots making blogs to promote there stuff are gone but I still have some stuff to bitch. This'll be mostly just screaming in a dark void cause it depends on the very small community. Firstly can we all stop making blogs that are dni and byi lists that everyone will ignore? Like can't you put them in you're profile? And small very short blogs stuff like "MAH FIRST BLOGS U GUYSSSS IDK WHAT TO SAYYYYY" you know what I mean? And I'm Eastern European so I don't know hows this site is for people over the sea aka the most people using this site aka AMERICANS(This isn't me hating its just pointing out that timezones affect this site tremendously cuz of its small size). Now I don't what type of blog you make it can be a bad one about political stuff I don't care but I'm tired of seeing filler ones while trying to find a good read. One more thing is the subscriptions, if you don't know you can subscribe to someone's blog. Firstly why can't I see who I am subscribed to? Why is there no management about this what so ever? I'm subbed to plenty of people I think 20, only 1 keeps posting blogs and barely shoutout to  ech0gek0


 I'll start to bitch about mostly profiles and bulletins and layouts. WHY CAN'T WE FUCKING POST NEW LAYOUTS ALREADY?? ITS ALREADY BEEN 2 FUCKING MONTHS  IM TIERD OF SEEING PPL USE THE SAME FUCKING LAYOUTS. AAND STOP SHOWING THE TOP LAYOUTS  THEY ARE THE SAME SINCE I JOINED AND ARE 2 YEARS OLD can't u show us like yk THE MOST RECENT LAYOUTS please? So we can have SOME sort of variety in the new cool people section? 

   Bulletins are great actually.

  and drama for the love of god the drama  THANKFULLY there hasnt been a second gore invasion YET but if u look hard enough ull see some other edgy piece of shit posting pokemon porn for some reason or trying to do what alfie did. as i said in my previous this site has potential. I still stand with that statement.

   This blog isn't just to bitch mostly it was that but I want this blog to be outdated I don't want SpaceHey to be forever like this. 

 thank you for reading my shit blog 

25 Kudos


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Didi's profile picture

you did say it's an opinionated blog entry and people can agree or disagree I do agree we can have more management for certain things notifications can also be easier to manage too I don't agree on the hate towards filler blogs as blogs are meant to be somewhat personal I understand most blogs we see around here are not high quality but from what I've seen so far most users are minors who just wanted to use this site to roleplay as a 2000's teen I can't blame them for it that is exactly why you see so many same layouts being recycled I personally went to make my own layout and it did take some time I don't think a teen who is already satisfied with what some other put out as a product will go out of their way to learn 2 new code languages and spend as much time just trying to make it work I just don't think everyone needs to be top notch the best you can do is weed out blogs and pages with better quality content

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i understand what u say abt blogs
but speaking of layouts i didnt meant that everyone needs to know code to perfection
thats why the layout tab exist

i mostly meant that every layout feels the same cuz the same ones are being used over and over again and most new ppl here wont realise it unless they explore a lil
it happen to me so it mustve happen to someone else
i mainly just wanted to show the most recent layout rather then the top ones

by niko #miserable condom :<; ; Report

fair sorry I didn't mean to take you the wrong way the issue is even if spacehey does bump up more recent designs there's a possibility people will gravitate towards samey layouts since only a small part of the users here seem to actually stick around and try to build a community while a majority is here for a trend and fleeting nostalgia they're probably going for an image of early 00's an idealized version of what's it like to be a teenager during ""simpler times"" admittedly people are less interested in showing what they are right now compared to just what the idealized versions of them from a different time would be we'll see much more scemo layouts with the same gifs and effects than someone who's expressing themselves like a teen from our time would with the strong external expression of a scene millenial teen

by Didi; ; Report


nas's profile picture

i wonder if there's a way to contact the devs for community improvements to the site because it seems like these r the most common issues ppl have !!! n i def feel like it would rlly benefit from these improvements

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★Eli's mind★

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