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College registration / Peaceful existence

Today was a very special day. I registered for college! I am taking a couple of library courses, a biology class & a computer class. I'm so blessed and thankful. I can't wait to start! 

I have been feeling very down in the dumps lately. Sometimes I feel hopeless, like I will not do anything important in my life, and that I'll be remembered as a bad person or even not remembered at all... That my life won't be worth much...

But today really helped me see that there is a hopeful future for me... I will succeed, and God wants me to succeed. 

I'm so happy I am crying! 

Every human life is a valuable one, especially those who have souls and care for their fellow humans. It is difficult to find caring people in the world sometimes but they exist. There are so many. The "bad" (for lack of a better word) people seem to outshine the good sometimes, but that is only because of other "bad" people. Unfortunately, there are many unkind people in power. And that may always be.

But we, fellow humans, must exist in the wold. We can't let the bad people win. We don't have to make a scene, we can exist peacefully in this world, and that makes it better. Our existence makes Earth happy. That is enough. 

Let our peaceful existences make the world happy.

I will never hate myself again. 

10 Kudos


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R+C's profile picture

Lot of good people out there. The difference good people have over bad peoples is good people work in silence.

I expect good things will be fulfilled for you ..

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