Hey SpaceSleepers (60): What's Your Favorite Train?

My friend asked me what my favorite MTA train was a few weeks ago and it honestly stuck with me. As someone who has lived in NY my whole life, I never really put conscious thought into what my favorite train would be. It would have to be the 7, obviously, because it has the most scenic route, mostly being above ground. Moreover, its the only train that goes to Flushing Main Street, making it one of the more special trains to me since that's my favorite place in New York. All the foods that I could want, all on the last stop of that train. Though, I didn't answer the question at the time, fearing that I would seem rather biased as someone who has been taking that specific route since I was a kid, only being honest after my friend said it was his favorite train as well.

To elaborate on the whole bias concept, a lot of New Yorkers tend to be biased to their borough, which leads to them often saying the best places to get certain things are the places within their borough. However, I am not really a prideful patron of my borough,
I have no particular allegiances when it comes to that since I don't think it makes a difference, it really is all New York City.

I did end up asking one of my high school friends about their favorite train since it was an interesting question. It makes me curious now that I am conscientious of the concept of a favorite train. This probably won't be the last time I ask someone I know what their favorite train is, I like knowing something so minute but personal about someone (08/06/2024).

— Mars  ᓚᘏᗢ

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Okay so I live in the middle of buttfuck nowhere (third world country on the other side of the world) but I am EXTREMELY fond of trains and love traveling by train and aruogoaergoaeringoareing, god's chosen mode of transportation honestly. Anyhow. If I had to choose a favorite, it's definitely the one that would take me from my hometown over to my grandparents' town about an hour and a half or two hours away. When I was little, the trains used to be old- I vividly remember those green engines with the yellow stripes that, in my head, somehow looked like grumpy old men pulling awfully colorful and graffiti-covered carts... A class 661 diesel locomotive is what it was. Then, the carts were like, super super old as well... The interior was wooden, and each cart had a hallway on the left and "rooms" on the right which seated six passengers. Wonderful things, they were. Then, several years later, they got these new red diesel-motor Russian trains, specifically designed for our railways or whatever by the Metrowagonmash company... Series 711 or whatever they're called... Brrrbrrrr. Anyway. I just find the whole trip, the whole route, extremely beautiful. Many tunnels, you essentially pass through a gorge(?), there's... Trees everywhere. Passes through extremely small towns and villages. You travel more or less next to or over the main river that flows through this area... Ooooof. It's gorgeous. I love trains RAAAAAAAAAAH thank you for coming to my ted talk huauheuahueh

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AAAAA this is so cool !!! Thank you for commenting this !!!! It's so interesting to me :DD

— Mars ᓚᘏᗢ

by ♡ Mars/Nini(妮妮) 🇹🇼 ♬; ; Report