SOoooo my iphoneSE is totally buggin out. I shut it down last week, and when i turned it on...
It's doing this thing where it shuts down every 2-3 minutes. So it's basically unusable.
I got it checked out and the tech dude said to just 'get a new one'
But you know your girl does NOT have the bread 4 that!!
Sooooo instead of a new smartphone I'm going to be getting a flip phone!! I'm honestly kinda excited because real shit, the gen Z pipeline of smartphone addiction has... claimed me.
(As embarassing as that is ((like phone addiction is kinda ew))(Wait but maybe that makes me a hypocrite?? But its not when I'm with ppl, it's like rotting at home-)
I'm excited to get my flip, I'm gonna customize the fuck out of that thing! Plus it's hard as a brick, so if anyone gives me shit for having a flip phone I can show them how versatile it can rlly be >:)
kidding obvi! (maybe) When I get it, I might update this entry w/ picsss
I'm planning on blogging more now, with school starting next month it might be a good outlet. Also I'm already getting a flip phone, so why not go full old web??
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The flip phones look so fun, I worry about the middle of the screen getting worn down over time but I haven't heard anything of the sort so far.
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but if it's an older model it'll last you forever, my old one still works I think. It's fallen apart nine times- like battery and all and it still snaps all back together.
by SENTIENT.B; ; Report
haha no way, I still haven't gotten it yet :// Stuck with my broken SE that can only txt. I'm excited tho i miss calling folks
by ♱ z0mbi ♱; ; Report