in my humble opinion it is a no, if he already cheated on you once what makes you believe that it will not happen again on the other hand a infidelity will never be justified since you are disloyal to someone who loves you and whom you are supposed to love

Do people who cheat on their partners deserve another chance?
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It depends. If he cheats because he's a horndog, then there's not much you can do, accept hope he suddenly develops a sense of self-restraint, or even "taste." If he cheats because he loves someone else, then there might be hope, but only if you kill his mistress. In any case, if he would cheat on you for some other lady's love, then he didn't value yours. Better to kill him and the mistress altogether!
Yessss kill him
by Wlkirby; ; Report
Honestly real, it’s such a rare chance that the cheater will be willing to change themselves
They already broke that trust and cheaters are lame
Really, unfaithful people are pathetic and the worst thing is that most people who are unfaithful are manipulative too.
by Wlkirby; ; Report