C⁠3彡 AG3NT 8 's profile picture

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Category: Life

BFI ⚠️ (before u interakt/ooc)

i’m hypersexual so i might make flirty jokes, this does not mean i like u that way !

i have the fear of vomit so dont go into any graphik detail abt it

i have a hard time fokusing on things im not interested in, don’t take it personally T_T

sometimes i’m rude on akkident, if i am tell me!

use tone tags!!!

i’ll ramble on for hours if prompted dont be afraid to tell me if im being annoying 

i like to talk, if u wanna diskuss any kontroversies i am IN!

i have a hard time understanding if someone is upset with me, if i ask if ur mad or apologize it’s not me trying to guilt u (i’ve been akkused of this before ;_; )

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