[Writing] Introducing misleading villains

Hey ho dollio!

A week ago I posted a bulletin, taking requests for blog posts I could probably make. One request that I was really excited about was the process of slowly introducing villains Into your story, so let's talk about that

Disclaimer: I am a dark comedy writer and i will be using my own characters as example often, alot of my advice may not apply to your story and that's completely okay! Under no circumstances is this blog entry a gospel, take any advice you may and apply it however (and if) you see fit. There isn't one right way to write something. By all means, writing is boundless, so go wild!

Tip 1: Rumors/Gossip

Setting up a good atmosphere leading up to the introduction of the villain is just as important as writing the villain's scenes, in my opinion. 

Having other characters show concern or spread negative views of the villain may add to the anticipation and the mystery around the character before we even meet them. Whether said villain lives up to the rumors or tries to act against them could also add to the mystery!

For example,  on my own WIP, I have this villain character who doesn't appear to be a villain until you really get to know him well off in the story. He is a sly and calculating character,  so he takes said gossip and victimises himself in the MC's eyes, painting the warnings the other characters gave as "bad faith gossip from my old friends"

A great way to really muddy the water (if you so please) is having actual lies sprinkled in the gossip among the actual, truthful accusations. Have someone exaggerate, it happens in every situation where serious allegations are thrown around. 

Tip 2: Contradictions

As I mentioned previously,  having your character contradict themselves could also be a great way of showing something is off about them or that they aren't quite who they are appearing to be. 

In my own project,  the villain tends to change himself significantly just so he appeals to the MC. However, he can't keep up that mask on all the time. He slips up sometimes (especially with stuff he has strong opinions on) and in said cases, I make sure to let the other characters react to it. 

You can exaggerate said contradictions to be comically obvious and cartoony, but there is also alot of fun to having it go right under your nose. Or have something obviously off putting about the character be present and then don't bring it up until much later. This way, the reader will be anxious but not release said tension till their suspicions have been confirmed later down the line. Catch them in a lie if you will!

Tip 3: Reactions

Do you remember a specific point in your life where you'd bring up a person around people who dont necessarily like them and the reactions around you were of repulse and disgust? Has this ever happened to you? Well if you know how it is, write it in.

A great way to really show someone being off putting or really tell something about the characters' relationships or history with some character would be to see their reactions when they get brought up. You would totally assume the worst If you were met with fearful looks and tension when bringing up a certain face. 

Actions speak louder than words, so describing the character's reaction could speak volumes, while still leaving enough room for doubt and ambiguity. 

Tip 4: Extremism

Extremism realistically leaves alot of room for doubt while still instilling anxiety.  Like how people on the Internet see something very bizarre,  very cruel or very extreme and they go "this can't be real right?" Or "this is just a troll". You instinctively try to assume the most logical explanation and everything on the extreme sounds fake or comical. 

This could also be tied up with the exaggerated rumours. Have the extreme "totally fake" rumour about a character turn out to be true! Or have the character explicitly state something extreme and be met with dismissal. Extreme cruelty often sounds like an attempt to be edgy or exaggerate or some twisted form of dark humour oftentimes, so toy with that as much as you please!

Those are all of the tips I have prepared for today. Please let me know how else you would write villains like this down in the comments. I would love to see your own takes on the topic. Do tell If you have any more to add to the topic as well. I kept these somewhat vague so people could fill in their own style and plot as they will. 

You can also comment some requests of other topics you would like to see my take on. 

Thank you for your time, Blessed be 

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