''So that's it huh?'' Chris looked at James who was still on his smoke break, leaning against the wall.
''It's your fault after all.'' James stated before taking a drag of his cigarette and blowing out the smoke. ''You're the one who fell in love with someone who isn't stable enough to love you back.''
Chris was holding back tears at James's cold harsh words. "A-Are you even human?'' He choked out.
''I don't feel human, not anymore at least.'' He paused. ''I just feel like a bag of depression, pills and regret with a skin sack thrown over it.''
Chris had tears of anger and sadness rolling down his face, half of him felt sad for James the other half felt nothing but hatred.
''I thought I meant something to you, that we actually had something.'' Chris wiped away tears. ''But I sure as fuck fell for it. Hook, Line and Sinker.''
Before James could respond Chris turned on his heel, walking away while wiping tears. James truly did feel bad for what he said but he couldn't let someone back into his life, he wasn't ready. James just would've ended up hurting Chris in the process.
Displaying 1 of 1 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Adrian Tzun
This is real? Or a story? I just started sobbing
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LOL no no just a story, thanks for commenting on my blog, not many people do(you're the only person to comment on my blog).
its just a scinero i came up with and deicided, ''fuck it''.
by XxST3PH@N13xX; ; Report
LOL no no just a story, thanks for commenting on my blog, not many people do(you're the only person to comment on my blog).
its just a scinero i came up with and deicided, ''fuck it''.
by XxST3PH@N13xX; ; Report
Haha well, I just loved it! I'll keep reading your storys, if you make more eventually
by Adrian Tzun; ; Report