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Category: Life

Chloe Runte didnt do anything

The Timeline of Events 

In October 2023, I visited Shreveport after I was invited by my childhood friend Chloe Runte, during the majority of the time I would be staying with a friend of Chloe's named Sam. During this time Sam made me aware of multiple dramas including Chloe's abusive (ex) partner. Plans were discussed to talk to Chloe regarding this however I felt I should be excluded since at this point me and Chloe hadn't seen each other in nearly 8 years. Initially, Sam agreed with me by observation and agreed with me that I wasn't to be included, however after time passed I was eventually convinced I should be a part of the conversation.

After October I would return home for the holidays during this time Nat arrived in Shreveport and started dating Sam, and they would read the book Settlers, also during this time Chloe's abusive partner would be kicked out leading to further discussion between Sam and me. I would return to Shreveport in late January, after my arrival, Sam, and Nat would routinely discuss Chloe's abusive ex as during this time the abusive partner was still covering Chloe's family's bills. Also in a phone call, I was unaware at the time Sam would tell Chloe that she would no longer be her friend if she got back with her abusive ex-partner. 

It was eventually agreed that Sam, Nat, and I would have an intervention with Chloe, where we would discuss Nicki however we didn't know exactly when that would happen. During the next couple of weeks Sam and Nat began to villainize Sawyer based on her inability to provide for Chloe's family, and the fact she is currently in the military, I would say that I didn't think it was valid since she was already in the military and couldn't leave easily, they kept suggesting Sawyer could get dishonorably discharged and convinced me that sawyers decision to stay in the military meant she was a colonizer and part of the settler left, they said Sawyer used Chloe for domestic labor and held a paycheck over her. At this point, I was convinced Sawyer was not a great person. Sam and Nat wanted Chloe to choose the group or Sawyer in the planned invention. I said that I didn't think It would be wise to bring this up so soon after her abusive ex was removed from her life. They disagreed. 

Before the intervention could take place Chloe announced her engagement to Sawyer, Sam was in shock and it set Nat on a meltdown, this meltdown lasted nearly two days, which ended in Nat sending a message to Chloe objecting to her marriage to Sawyer. Chloe then decided to take a break from the group. I attempted to schedule a meeting to discuss what would have been discussed in the invention however Chloe declined likely since our behavior was extremely strange. 

That weekend after the food share T, Sam and I were in her car when T mentioned an event that happened in October which happened to be NSFW, and an allegation of misconduct was brought up. Sam immediately wanted Chloe out of the group, and said Chloe was never going to be welcomed back with a large discussion, upon arriving home she informed Nat of this conversation and they began referring to Chloe as an abuser and slowly building a case against Chloe. Sam and Nat began crafting a post that would be posted in multiple places including the discord and official Instagram account. It was first posted on the discord which led to a severe decline in SMA, essentially leaving it to four people, which would be lessened to 3 after kicking T out. 

Debunking and Manipulation Tactics 

I would first like to express none of the events Sam And Nat stated happened or were greatly exaggerated by Sam And Nat. Sam And Nat used manipulation tactics to convince me that Chloe was an evil person and that I was an abuse apologist if I even questioned anything they were saying, Sam immediately expressed wanting to commit violence on people she thought were doing abuse apologist and kicked pretty much anyone out of the group who still talked to chloe after dropping the post. Sam repeatedly attempted to convince me that I was assaulted at the party in October and I repeatedly stated that I felt everything that happened I fully consented to, she then took the angle of expressing that the party itself was problematic and that Chloe organized the event and intended it to be a sexual event. Sam repeatedly attempted to twist events I remembered into people being assaulted.  At the end of the day, we were all extremely intoxicated and it is not unheard of for parties to turn sexual in some select situations. Sam also threatened t saying she would tell everyone he was an abuse apologist if he did not testify against Chloe.

In terms of the allegations of classism, ableism, and others Sam would repeatedly leave out context. I would have needed to fully understand what happened, Sam would only share details that would make Chloe look as if she was wrong. They would even try to convince me that Chloe was ableist on issues both me and Chloe privately. 


Sam and Nat repeatedly shared transphobic views disguised as leftism, nat would relatively state that HRT and other gender-affirming care was eugenics, and I would regularly have to argue that gender-affirming care is needed for some people, but you're no less trans for not wanting gender-affirming care, she would usually not understand and get mad at me.  Our disagreements would further show themselves when I would get into a car accident that totaled my car, Nat would relatively yell at me for wanting to get it fixed claiming that I was an individualist for wanting my vehicle. When I mentioned I wanted to get a job Sam and Nat stated I was a careerist and eventually would have an intervention where they again said I was a careerist and individualist for wanting a car and planning on attending college, they would go on to have nearly weekly interventions and eventually explain I needed to go somewhere else if I was not onboard with them. I would eventually leave as they were acting very strange, upon leaving I would get multiple text messages from them, and later death threats along with a video of them burning a couple of my belongings I had left. In recent weeks an 18-year-old fled after living with Sam for less than two weeks, they repeatedly called him an abuse apologist for still loving his family despite their abusive behavior and said he was sexist for not wanting to date women, after being forced to give his stuff back they poured used cat litter inside his bags, and stole his wallet. They then drove to his family's house and placed death threats in the mailbox.

Personal Responsibility 

I am overall extremely sorry for the action I committed while under a cult, I caused damage and I understand that. There are also events I did not mention in this document. If anyone has any questions please contact me.


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