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Category: Life

pedophiles fucking suck they need to die

I hate how most pedophiles are filthy rich, instead of using their money to do something other then ruin a poor kids life they decide ‘nah I’m rich I can do whatever’ and when their caught their sentence is basically nothing, if anything at all they get slapped on the wrist and sent off.

 They’re so disgusting it’s sickening I can’t believe just how their brains work how could they get off to the fact that they’re ruining the embodiment of innocence? How could someone hold a poor child in such a way and feel no remorse or guilt? 

I hate people who try to justify this bullshit they’re equally as fucking horrible it’s literally not fucking rocket science to know why pedophiles are horrible and most of the time the people who defend this bullshit are porn addicts, One of the most popular categories on any porn sites is “teenagers.” A lot of men (not all don’t fucking start it) have fetishes for girls in schoolgirl outfits, or cat  call teens  “daddy,” “mommy” and “baby” in an explicitly sexual way it’s fucking weird. I have zero sympathy for those creatures I don’t even want to call them human they’re so abhorrent and disgusting. Sites like 4chan are a breeding ground for pedophiles with shit like loli and hell even actual cp exchange I still don’t understand how some boards are still up till this day but yet ofcourse its owner is Nishimura who’s literally had fucking cp on his forms.

understand that everyone deserves a second chance and that nobody deserves to die, but it would make life so much easier if they didn’t exist anymore. I’m really glad it’s 2024 and people are actually taking matters into their own hands.

6 Kudos


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Sorry this was poorly written I just needed it off my chest lmao I’ll edit this later.

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