The Beat of a Still Heart

Maybe its a good thing I don’t understand you

You’re so far removed from comprehensible humanity that I can’t find you within myself

Maybe there’s no humanity in you left?

Maybe there was never any to begin with?

Maybe the last time you were human was when you were still being created, waking and dreaming to the rhythm of your mother’s heartbeat?

Even then I would see you as a parasite sapping the love and light from your mother

Even now as I lack understanding I default to associating the cause of your actions to a lack of humanity

It’s easier to believe someone who was never human could be cruel

Because if you were human it means somewhere boiling in my blood is the violence you cultivate

It means I can be cruel if I allow myself to be cruel

And I can’t understand that

3 Kudos


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haley X3

haley X3's profile picture

I think this is my favorite so far :]

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