Stages of Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation


Stages of Sant Mat, by Baba Ram Singh

In Sant Mat, the first stage is that of Gurubhakti. Swami Ji Maharaj has said, “The first life is that of Gurubhakti. The second is of Naam. And the third is of salvation, Mukti Pad. And the fourth is Nij Dham, or our True Home."

So, first stage is that of Gurubhakti. And even if it takes us a full lifetime to do the Gurubhakti — that is, to manifest the Radiant Form of the Master within — then it is nothing. Because the Master-Guru, is connected inside with God Almighty.

God Almighty is Someone Whom we cannot fathom, Whom we cannot hear, or Whom we cannot see. And He is beyond description. So, Guru is the One Who is connected to that God Almighty. Because the Guru knows this world, He knows what is happening here, and He is also connected to God Almighty. So, He is aware of everything. And therefore, it is very important for us to take His help.

So, what then is Gurubhakti? Gurubhakti — the Masters say we should do three things. And the first is Satsang. That is, listen to the Master, listen to what He has to say, and He says that to awaken us. Second is to do the Bhajan Simran. And third, if we get the opportunity, then we should do seva. So, the Masters have told us to do these three things in the Kali Yuga.

By doing these three things, we get the pleasure of the Master. We are able to please the Master. And when we are able to please the Master and get His Grace, then we are able to manifest the Radiant Form of the Master within.

So, once we have manifested the Master, then the steamer — the steamship on which we have to go back to God Almighty – that starts.

Today also, we have the ship — which is the Naam — which is the Holy Sound Current and the Light. So, that ship is ready even today. But we have not manifested the captain of that ship. And once we do that, once we manifest the Radiant Form of the Master, then we will be able to board on that ship and go back to God Almighty.

So, He is aware of all of the planes within and He is aware of the Lords of all of these planes. So, when He takes us within, He gets us to meet the Lords of all of the planes, and He gradually takes the soul back to God Almighty, traveling through all the planes.

So, to please the Master, we have to listen to Satsang every day. We have to do our Bhajan Simran. And if possible, we have to do seva. By doing these things, we are able to get the pleasure of the Master and His Grace is upon us.

Masters also say, “If you are not able to do any other seva, you should do your Bhajan Simran.” And by doing this, we get the pleasure of the Master and His Grace.

So, when we do our Bhajan Simran, that is like doing seva of the Master. So, the Master considers that as a seva that you are doing for Him – though, in reality, that Bhajan Simran, we are doing for our own benefit. But the Master is so graceful that He considers that as a seva done to Him. And then, when we do this regularly, He also extends His Grace upon us.

So, when we do our Bhajan Simran — we do more and more of the Bhajan Simran every day — then we will definitely get successful on this Path. And, one day, we will all get the Grace of the Master, and we will be able to get inwardly focused.

* * *

The time is good and we should make the most of it. So, let us close our eyes and get connected to Bhajan Simran.

-- Baba Ram Singh, 

Meditation Talk

05 Jan 2024 — Morning

God Almighty Whom We Cannot Fathom, Cannot

Hear, Cannot See, And Who Is Beyond Description —

The Guru Is The One Connected To God Almighty

Note: For the definitions of various terms, see the Sant Mat Glossary, 2023 Edition:

Also See: Perfecting Our Simran Practice - Baba Ram Singh Satsang:

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