The Fates, ???? | ??? | Pre-Awakening
A spark. The first spark in centuries. It happened every so often, but not this bright. It always ended badly; the Voidwatcher tried to protect the Lightkeeper and… failed miserably. The failure led to avoidance which could span over several reincarnations.
These “avoidant” lives were tainted with depression and illness, because pain and exhaustion have consequences on any and every being in existence. Souls get heavy and affect bodies. Timelines don’t matter. Breaking is breaking and the Lightkeeper carried it in her soul through every life. It built up and ate at her. She was getting more volatile, the stakes were getting even higher than they were in the beginning. The avoidant lives were a form of stalling and they became impossible to find. It wasn’t done on purpose; they were both motivated and determined to fight, but they were still just people. However, as a result, the dark would be allowed to saturate the universe for too long. Light would continue to build up inside of the Lightkeeper, and her reincarnations would crack and break more and more. At this point it had to be crippling.
Our inability to get to them was discouraging, especially because sometimes we missed by an immeasurably tiny amount. Was it too late? The intensity of the spark this time would draw our allies toward them. They were close. They were ready. As soon as they revealed exactly where they were, we’d be there. If we were to finally connect with them, this was our chance. Failure was an option, so we had to fight as hard as we could to take it. I had no choice, i had to consult her and she would be beside herself with glee at the idea of me needing her help.. but she would help. Ugh.
”Luck,” i whispered as i felt a mischievous presence set its sight upon me, then through my teeth i growled “be a lady.” It was a command that only i, Fate, could use to summon this lunatic. A spark appeared and i heard a good natured but superior giggle as she materialized in front of me in a most dramatic fashion, sparkles and all. I rolled my eyes.
”Wow you actually said it! Finally,” she grinned and her over-the-top appearance settled into her true form: a small feminine human with cat ears and a long, fluffy cat tail.
”You had to make me ask. Is this a game to you?” I did nothing to hide my irritation.
”We had a tiny bit of down time,” shrugged Luck, “so i decided you should probably be humbled.”
”Anyway,” i spat, “they need us.”
”You found them again?! Huh. How lucky!” She smirked, batting her eyelashes. “Have you told anyone?” She demanded, suddenly very focused.
”No. Not a soul.” I said, ignoring the snide comment and bossy attitude. “No one knows, and we need to keep it to ourselves.” I stared her in the eye and made sure my tone was desperately urgent, and i was relieved to see that she was taking this seriously.
“Why this specific lifetime?”
“Though their elements are diabolically high and low, they seem to be perfect for–” i gulped “–the awakening.” We exchanged strained looks and there was a brief moment of loaded silence.
”Will i have any control over my element,” she asked slowly.
”Probably not, and no direction. You will be heavily affected by luck, but you still have to find your own way to them. The same goes for me. They don’t realize it but they are looking for allies. When they find us, they won’t let us go.”
”Hmmm,” she grumbled, annoyed. “What is the point of being the entity of luck if i can’t even-“ she straightened up and smoothed the sashes on her hips. “Whatever. I will fight this fight.”
“Good girl,” i smirked at her. She glared back, but it turned into a grin. She couldn’t help it. We knew our places; sometimes she helped Fate, sometimes she was a pain in my ass.. but we were on the same side.
“Wait, where are the other two,” she inhaled sharply, with realization.
“The plan–” i gave her a knowing glance. We had to reincarnate together.
“One.. body..” she exhaled.
”Stay with them. Guide them. Ok?” I grabbed her hands.
”No matter what,” she nodded, then winked adding “are you ready to roll the dice?” I huffed, then we were falling into the Astral Kingdoms.
Our turn.
Song | Frank Sinatra, "Luck Be A Lady"
★ Issue #15 ||| 8.1.2024 ★
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