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Category: SpaceHey

nobody actually wants old y2k web back

Some things are better left in the past. No one really wants old 2000s or late 90s web back, where there were a bunch of raging neos, predators, creeps, and racists and whatnot, they just want the aesthetic of it.

I guarantee you that 90% of those that claim they wish to experience the old web era or they want the 'real' old web era back really has no idea what it was for real like. These are the same types of people that have a shit ton of things listed in their DNIs and stuff, and there's nothing wrong with that, but those same people would absolutely not like the real old web.

Not all old web was just Xanga, 4chan, old YouTube and Facebook, and MySpace. Even on MySpace there were still a lot of nsfw spams like there are now on Spacehey (sigh, history repeats itself...). If you wanted the old MySpace back, you've got it. Going back on topic, most of the internet back then was extremely toxic, especially places like 4chan, 2chan, Heyuri, hell even older Reddit was absolutely filled with even more creeps and predators and just awful people than now (surprisingly).

Not all old web/social networking was awful, of course, but it was definitely not all perfect. It was probably more toxic than social media now. Like I said, some things are better left in the past. I've maybe got a few things wrong but I'm also high so excuse that...

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nano's profile picture

What are you talking about the "awful people" are what made it cool.
The less censorship the better.

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ArmoredAlchemist's profile picture

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen posts to this effect at least once a week since I joined SpaceHey. Speaking as someone who does remember the “real old web”: who cares?? “Haha you baby snowflakes don’t know that sometimes, the internet was bad! There were mean people online!” Yeah ok and? Have you seen Twitter? I just don’t understand the point of these statements. What is it you want, other than some sense of “back in my day we had to walk uphill both ways” superiority over a bunch of kids who want to be able to customize their profile pages?

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